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  • This line was added.
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Comment: Updated for 8.0.7 and fixed broken internal links



Table of Contents


This page allows administrators to configure a wide range of settings that fall under the following tabs:

  1. 20709979Email20709979
  2. System
  3. 20709979Region20709979
  4. Authentication
  5. 20709979Integration


You can configure all email related settings here, including default addresses and outgoing server settings that sets up your SMPT server.


titleText Formats



Name Format

Specify the default format to be used when displaying a user’s full name in the system.

Middle InitialSpecify if the middle initial should be used in names by default.

Decimal Separator

Specify the default decimal separator character to be used in the system.

Thousand Separator

Specify the default thousand separator character to be used in the system.

Default Language Font

Specify the default language font to be used in the system if special language characters are required.

User Defined Language FontSpecify if users should be able to specify their preferred language font, rather using the system defined Default Language Font for PDF export settings.

CSV Character Set

Specify the default character set to be used when exporting reports to CSV format.

Decimal Separator Per Language

Toggle to activate an alternative decimal separator for each non-default user language set. Users will see this decimal separator in their language on any reports and charts they view, overriding the system-wide default for them.

Thousand Separator Per Language

Toggle to activate an alternative thousand separator for each non-default user language set. Users will see this thousand separator in their language on any reports and charts they view, overriding the system-wide default for them.

titleLanguage Settings



Multi-language Deployment

Enable Content Translation to allow advanced users to provide alternate text to be displayed for additional languages.


Specify the languages users may translate content to.

Copy Content TranslationEnable this toggle to copy translated content when making a copy of a report with it. If disabled, the copied report only contains the original content.
