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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Comment: Updated based on Japanese feedback




  • Added broadcasting support for client organization-specific external URL configuration (eg,, (learn more).
  • Broadcast Frequency is now more flexible, with a new option to broadcast on a particular day of a particular week in a given month) (learn more).
  • FTP broadcast can now optionally add a timestamp to a file name (learn more).


  • Implemented image link formatting that takes an image URL from report data and wraps it in an HTML image tag to display it inline within the report table (learn more).


  • Our REST API version is now 1.1, with new endpoints added for: managing user access to organisations; licence management; role creation and management; scheduled background task management; metadata SQL query functions;   GET/threshold-alerts for fetching broadcast alerts received by a user; creating and managing categories; importing and exporting content; managing caching; and, content translations.
  • Unlocked REST admin services for non-server based licenses (only REST content services require a server licence).
  • Added an admin mode toggle, used to suspend new content creation in a Yellowfin instance, enabling zero-downtime upgrades of clustered environments.
  • Removed outdated restlet library.


  • New licences can now be deployed during a db-only silent upgrade.
  • Upgraded:
    • Upgraded jQuery library to version 3.5.1
    • Spring framework libraries to version 5.2.7
    • Google Guava Library to version 29.0
    • PostgreSQL JDBC driver to 42.2.14
    • Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.37.
    • Apache POI to version 4.1.2
    • Apache Commons FileUpload to version 1.4
    • JGroups to version 4.2.4 (see Community article)
    • Jakarta-XML web services framework to version 2.3.3
    • JasperReports library to version 6.13.0
    • SnakeYAML to version 1.26.
  • Enhanced the JSESSIONID cookie to support SameSite, which is slowly being rolled out in many browsers (learn more).
  • Added missing date functions to HSQLDB, Exasol and Intersystems IRIS databases, in line with existing date functions for Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, Snowflake, and SQL Server.
  • Restored CUSTOMPARAMETERS functionality to web service calls.
  • Updated the process of importing report-based views to always include their parent reports.
  • Improved web service for imported views so that when an imported view replaces an existing view, the imported content folder and subfolder replace the existing content.
  • Implemented changes to allow multilevel Tomcat context paths.
  • Added Enabled a Java Virtual Machine run parameter for UTF8 in order to broadcast reports to file with report names that contain particular UTF8 characters.
  • Added event auditing for user role updates in the Admin console.
  • Cleaned up logging and enhanced it to include Thread Id, Session Identifier and Code Function to log lines.
  • Added the ability to set a user’s regional display preferences for decimal and thousand separators based on the language configured for that user (learn more here and here).
  • Enhanced session management for cluster deployments, including timeout information for remote sessions in Session Management, and the ability to remove stale sessions stored in the repository database.
  • Added the option to require users to update their password at regular intervals. Interval length is adjustable. LDAP users, whose passwords are managed client side, are excluded from this reminder (learn more).
  • Removed ColumnarDB as a new datasource type (existing ColumnarDBs aren’t affected).
  • Added valid checksums to avoid liquibase upgrade issues.

User Interface

  • Added an option to show or hide the minimum/maximum value in the report filter value list.
  • Totals and sub totals can now be moved to any side — top, left, right or bottom — of a report table (learn more here and here).
  • Added the ability to group data on calculated fields that span multiple sub queries.
  • Hard-coded filters can now be passed through to child reports during drill through.
  • Converted report date fields from metric to dimension for the import process.
  • Updated all date pickers to follow the global 'Week Start Day' setting.




  • Resolved an issue where conditional format legends would lose all colours when exporting to PDF.


  • Fixed an issue that caused filter links on an imported dashboard to not show when editing the dashboard.


  • Resolved an issue where a field folder not in use could not be deleted if another customer on the same installation had a field folder with the same name and content within;
  • Resolved an issue in clustered environments that would prevent some web.xml updates from being applied to secondary nodes.
  • Resolved an issue with memory settings, which would not set correctly for Windows Service on installation.
  • Resolved an issue with the UPDATEUSER Web Service API where user emails could not be updated.
  • Resolved a WKT geometry-related issue where a LINESTRING would not be correctly converted to a geometry value.
  • Resolved an issue in clustered environments that would prevent some web.xml updates from being applied to secondary nodes.
  • Restricted some source metadata calls to a particular catalog for certain databases.
  • Resolved an issue where GMT time, rather than the server time, was used as the start date when creating new users, which could prevent immediate access for newly-created users.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent some filters from appearing on an imported dashboard when their report was replaced with an existing one during import.
  • Resolved an issue where categories and sub categories categories (now known as content folders) and sub categories (now known as sub folders) were not being returned as export dependencies for a view.
  • Resolved an issue for manual and API imports of time series reports and charts that would switch time granularity and aggregation to their defaults.
  • Resolved an issue where SubQuery links could be lost during import.
  • Resolved a specific error on the view builder Prepare tab that would block XML imports.

User Interface

  • Resolved an issue that would prevent advanced broadcast from using email addresses from an edited report.
  • Resolved an issue where table conditions were being sent a null value when used in an advanced sub query child report.
  • Resolved an issue where numeric display chart formatting would be used incorrectly on a report when paging through results.
  • Resolved an issue where Approval Required reports would not appear in the active reports.
  • Resolved an issue where the column formatting option, Suppress Duplicates, would not work on column reports based on Freehand SQL queries.
  • Resolved an issue where deleting a report with restricted columns would repeatedly display a confirmation popup.
  • Resolved an issue where a configured watermark would not display on reports with a single chart.
  • Resolved an issue where the dynamic date parameter would only use DAY time measurements. 
  • Resolved an issue where a field converter could not be applied in a subquery.
  • Resolved an issue that impacted the security of views in a report sub query.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the bulk deletion of draft reports from the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue where calculated totals did not always select the correct field.
  • Improved text in the UI to better reflect how the minimum broadcast interval works.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a Signal from being assigned to an owner.
  • Resolved an issue with missing Signal correlations in client orgs.
  • Resolved an 'Oh no error' message that would appear when creating an ETL flow and using third-party connectors.
  • Improved the positioning of the Add button for calculated fields.
  • Enabled the use of WKT geometry fields in freehand SQL columns. Users can also disable the geometry cache and use the non-cached WKT geometry fields.


  • We addressed lots of small issues around filtering, such as previous values persisting and caching issues. In detail, we resolved issues where:
  • a field folder not in use could not be deleted if another customer on the same installation had a field folder with the same name and content within;
    • a timestamp or converted date filter would not work as a parent dependent filter;
    • adding a new field to a view level filter group that had existing reports would corrupt the reports;
    • creating a calculated filter would filter out calculated fields;
    • converting predefined dates of parameter filters would throw exceptions; and,
    • the value of dependent filters would update incorrectly.


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Yellowfin 8.0.3


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Yellowfin 8.0.2


  • Not all database drivers are shipped with Yellowfin because of licensing reasons. This means a new step during the installation process to specify the JDBC drivers. See the installation prerequisite section for more detail.
  • The above change also effects prepackaged JDBC drivers. More here.
  • LDAP functionality has been updated to allow LDAP group to be dynamically mapped to Yellowfin roles. More here.
  • View relationships have been updated where outer joins can be treated as inner joins by adding a hidden configuration. More here.
  • Additional backend configurations are added for report broadcasts to conserve memory and enable carbon copy. More here.
  • SSL security and load balance configuration options are added for Vertica database. More here.
  • It is now possible to have sub totals on cross tab reports in the report builder. More here.
  • Report column formatters now supported in charts tooltips in the form of a new 'Tooltip Formatting' configuration. More here.
  • Published Stories have a new Summary option that includes the unique content ID (or publishUUid). More here.
  • The data source web services can now also be supported in individual client organizations. More here.
  • New 'Analyses max row returned' connection parameters are implemented to specify database row limit for automated analysis (ie, Signals and AI). More here.

Signals specific updates:

  • Filtering can be done when setting up a Signal analysis in the form of a new step. More here in Step 4.
  • Implemented the support of Seasonality in Signals analysis. This includes additional configuration parameters. More here.
  • New functionality in Outlier signals is added to provide users with option to ignore outdated signals. More here.
  • A new Clear signals option has been implemented that allows users to dismiss all old signals created by a job. More here.
  • The Signals UI, and especially Signal Alerts has been improved, and now provides specific information. More here.
  • Signal Analysis panel has been enhanced to display only significant charts. More here.

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Yellowfin 8.0.1



  • A new type of Signal detection, called Breakouts, is possible. More here.
  • Correlation functionality has been introduced to Signals that looks for matching patterns across all the views and databases. More here.
  • A new step has been added to the Signal configuration to limit client organizations in the analysis. More here.
  • Additional Signal actions have been introduced, including ownership, assignment, dismissal, closing, and sharing. More here.
  • New role functions have been added to allow users to distribute signals, and to include external content into Yellowfin. More here.
  • Revamped the rating process on a Signal to specify whether the information was useful or not. More here.
  • Auto-analysis configuration settings are included to define good and bad characteristics with color differentiation. More here.
  • Configuration settings have been implemented to cache Signal. More here.
  • A set of general algorithm parameters have been added to the Signal setup. More here.
  • It is also possible to pre-select time parameters. More here.
  • The auto analysis generated in the Analysis tab of a Signal can be copied and edited as a new report. More here.
  • New chart formatting settings, called Trim Display, are added to trim categories from charts. More here.
  • Functionality to add external BI content into your Story has been improved. More here.
  • It is now possible to explore a story linked to a signal. More here.
  • Users can now be requested to write a story on a specific Signal. More here.
  • You can also create a new report from within a story. More here.
  • Yellowfin's web services SSO parameters have been updated for Story content. More here.

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Yellowfin 8.0



  • Enhancements to the chart builder include support for dimension series for non-cross tab charts.
  • Changes have been made to Dynamic and Repository clustering infrastructures
  • New web services are introduced to edit Yellowfin views.

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