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Comment: Added 8.0.9 release notes

Table of Contents

Yellowfin 8.0.9

Yellowfin 8 includes Yellowfin Signals and Yellowfin Stories as part of the Yellowfin SuiteTo fully benefit from even more features of Yellowfin, including redesigned dashboards, new presentations, pixel-perfect PDFs and a streamlined UI, please consider upgrading to the latest version of Yellowfin.




  • Upgraded Jackson Databind libraries to 2.12.1.
  • Updated Tomcat to version 9.0.43.
  • Upgraded commons-io from 2.2 to 2.8.0 to prevent security issues.
  • Added a nonce to every application request to prevent duplicate submissions.
  • Added a server configuration field to adjust the maximum upload file size.
  • Implemented a new JWT entry mechanism that will accept a JWT token and use the contents to provision a new session.
  • Improved performance when editing views by caching table metadata, which reduces latency when using large views or slow datasources.
  • Improved performance for Snowflake datasources.
  • Added an option to record unsuccessful login attempts for non-users in the Yellowfin event table.
  • Implemented a configuration item to blacklist certain event types from being added to the Event log.
  • Improved logging for ReportEditKey validation.


  • Resolved a REST API issue where sometimes a server/database error could cause a 401 response to be returned instead of a 500 response.
  • Updated the version handling of all REST API endpoints (no change for consumers).


  • Added the choice to enable optional filter values for Freehand SQL (this requires proper parameterised SQL text), allowing users to enter a value into a user prompt, or leave it blank, for Freehand SQL filters.


  • Improved whitespace balance in the Signal Cache Settings dialog box.


  • Resolved an issue where Signals could be filtered by job in Yellowfin version 9, but not in version 8.




  • Resolved an issue where the custom Surname attribute would not be applied during the LDAP login process.
  • Resolved an issue where users from nested client org groups could not be contributing members to the parent group.
  • Resolved an issue that would hide client organization user groups from folder permissions.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent configuration settings being saved on the System tab in a client org.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause background threads such as the Task Scheduler to hang.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent an email server configuration from saving correctly if the encrypted SMTP server password contained special characters.
  • Resolved a potential XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability within the Datasource Name field when creating some types of data sources.
  • Resolved a potential XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability within the local time code parameter on the Broadcast Management Page.
  • Resolved a security issue with the subscribeBroadcast action in IReportOutputAjax.i4.
  • Resolved an issue with some internal AJAX calls that would cause the responses to strip security headers.
  • Resolved an issue that could display the import page to non-admin users.


  • Resolved an issue that would cause the REST API to fail if the super user role was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue which would allow inactive users to access Yellowfin via the REST API.
  • Resolved an issue where org configurations could not be changed via the REST API.


  • Resolved an issue that would cause a syntax error when using the != operator with Teradata reports.
  • Resolved a transformation flow issue with the Date Component transformation step would display an error during configuration.


  • Resolved an issue which has led to improving imports to rely less on names: for source matching, Source UUIDs are now used to match sources prior to matching on Source Name; and when replacing reports during import, custom query filter sources are now matched by UUID or Name, where they were not previously.
  • Resolved an issue where importing reports could cause either duplicate header image storage or a broken header image reference.

Content Export

  • Resolved an issue that would prevent images from being added to report headers and footers in XLSX exports.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a report with a logo in the header from exporting if any rows were excluded in the export.


  • Resolved an issue in views where renaming an underlying column would not be reflected in views or reports.


  • Resolved an issue that led to incorrect results for report calculated fields in crosstab reports.
  • Resolved an issue with calculated fields where the required closing bracket could not be added to some formulas.
  • Resolved a client issue where a calculated field would prevent a report from displaying results unless the fields were removed and re-added.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause an empty list in the Search Filter Values popup on tabbed reports.


  • Resolved an issue where filters that shared a dependency with a Custom Query Cached on Demand filter but had a different Value List Setup type would not display filter values.
  • Resolved some issues where Oracle error ORA-01795 would occur when selecting more than 1000 values for a filter or when adding an access filter to a data source with more than 1000 values.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a subquery from using the parent query’s parameters as filters in other views.


  • Resolved an issue that would cause an Uncaught TypeError on the browse page.
  • Resolved an issue where the Show Duplicate Records checkbox would not display on the Configure Append Sub Query dialog box.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent reports from appearing in Favorites on the Browse page.
  • Resolved some rendering and alignment issues with locked report headers in resized browser windows.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent dependent filter values from rendering when displayed as radio buttons.


  • Updated the Dutch translations for 'Friday' and 'Fri' to 'Vrijdag' and 'Vr' respectively.
  • Updated the translation string for the 'Other' label and legend entry on pie charts.
  • Switched incorrect numerics for midnight and noon in Spanish (now ’00’ and ’12’ respectively).

Breaking changes



  • Upgraded internal two-way encryption to AES 256 with GCM, from Triple DES (this may cause instability/access issues with custom login windows).

To learn about our more recent features, read about the latest version of Yellowfin (and take a look at the Change Management PDF for more info), and upgrade.

TitleDownload the latest version of Yellowfin 8


Yellowfin further consolidates  security for Windows file systems through a Tomcat version upgrade to 9.0.41 (learn more).


TitleDownload the latest version of Yellowfin

Yellowfin 8.0.8






Content import/export

  • Upgraded PDF encryption to AES 256-bit, with a configuration option available to revert to the old RC4 128-bit scheme (learn more).


  • Added Kerberos support for Oracle databases.
  • Resolved an issue where users with older JDBC drivers, including Oracle ojdbc5.jar, could not see the Schema dropdown list.
  • Enabled support for Redshift Spectrum tables.
  • Added support for GEOGRAPHY and GEORGRAPHYPOINT in MemSQL data sources.


  • Enabled groups defined at the Primary Org to be used for securing content at Client Orgs. Group membership defined by role or LDAP will give access at the Client Orgs where those users have access.
  • Enabled the display of members of client-visible Primary Org groups in the Admin Console at Client Orgs.
  • Added a Super User role that allows users with the role to view, edit and delete all content (more info here and here).
  • Added a role function to optionally disable file uploads in discussion comments.
  • Added functionality to allow guest users to read Stories.
  • Upgraded performance for loading access level information when a system has tens of thousands of users.
  • Improved security through validation to prevent potential SQL injections in Freehand SQL calculated fields
  • Improved security for XML-related processes to avoid XXE attacks.
  • Improved email security by adding an option to allow password resets via email links, avoiding potential DoS, and by modifying the on-screen confirmation message to prevent username enumeration.
  • Added a cooling-down period between emails sent from Yellowfin to avoid denial of service.
  • Implemented a new security parameter to prevent URL titles from being fetched when sharing links in a discussion (more info).
  • Upgraded log4j, the library used for logging, from 1.2.17 to 2.13.3. The minimum supported Servlet spec has been changed from 2.3 to 3.0. (Learn more here and via this KB article). 
  • Added error logging to identify corrupt data in the contentmanagement table.
  • Improved file type validation for the Add Reference Code feature which allows for CSV file uploads.
  • Added a background task to clean up thumbnails of deleted reports.
  • Updated the Pitney Bowes Geocode step to use the new Precisely APIs endpoints and branding. Also fixed token request failed error in Pitney Bows Transform step plugin.


  • Added an API info endpoint to the REST API for version info and better navigation to some previously-unlinked endpoints and top-level resources.
  • Added API version info to the System Information page in the UI.
  • Improved the REST API refresh token and single sign-on responses so they now return token identifiers in the security token response model.
  • Improved error handling for the REST API to return error messages in standard JSON format.
  • Added handling for reading the requested REST API Version from custom header X-API-Accept, for clients who are not able to set/modify the Accept header.
  • Updated REST API documentation for API version 1.2 and made some improvements for clarity of some file upload parameters.


  • Improved the UI for dashboards by wrapping the View field details in the Select View area of the New Report dialog box.
  • Modified the UI text for Table Summaries.


  • Added new indexes and made performance improvements to the View Import and View Activation processes.

Web services

  • Added datasource UUID to the resources returned by the GETCONTENT web service.



Content import/export

  • Resolved an issue where exporting a report to PDF with a company logo enabled would cause an error.
  • Resolved an issue that would incorrectly include duplicate cell values during export to XLSX.


  • Resolved an issue where dashboard filter values would not be applied in Assisted Insights and in linked reports on dashboards.


  • Resolved an issue where Oracle error ORA-01795 would occur when adding an access filter to a data source with more than 1000 associated view elements.
  • Resolved an issue where some components of Yellowfin would not work with custom authentication adapters.
  • Resolved an issue where migrating schedule records would fail upon upgrade.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a user with a duplicate email address from being updated when skipEmailDupCheck was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue with the Multiple sessions and Password Reset pages would not work if the configuration option Multiple Login Logic was set to Ask and the context path was not set to ROOT.
  • Resolved a potential XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability within the report name in Report Builder.
  • Improved the robustness of filter loading when directing a user to a dashboard via SSO.
  • Resolved an issue where the IMPORTCONTENTNOVALIDATION web service call would still validate.


  • Resolved an issue that would incorrectly update filter values set to Current Values in a share link, rather than preserving the value used at the time the link was created.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause an error when Minimum/Maximum Value was selected from the Report filter list.
  • Resolved an issue where a date time filter with an EQUAL operator would use BETWEEN in some SQL databases.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a report would automatically re-enable the filtering setting Remember Filter Values each time.
  • Resolved an issue with field matching logic where importing a view with a view-level filter named the same as an existing field in the existing view would cause the report to break.
  • Resolved an issue where removing multiple fields from report could cause an exception on tables with a large number of columns.
  • Resolved an issue where altering report column fields would not update the related canvas text widget references.
  • Resolved an issue with analytic functions where adding a section to a report would cause an incorrect field reference.
  • Resolved an issue where a union joined report would fail with back-end exceptions.
  • Resolved an issue with duplicate values when Stored Procedure is added as Subquery.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent Boolean filters from rendering on dashboards.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause extra dialog boxes to appear when creating a new access filter via the Access Filter Record tab.
  • Resolved an issue that would unintentionally empty the search box of text after performing a search and adding or removing a calculated field to a report.
  • Resolved an issue where columns hidden to custom user roles on the browse page would be displayed.
  • Resolved an issue on the Browse page that would allow users to see views in a restricted folder.
  • Resolved an issue where a chart with variance could not be deleted.
  • Resolved an issue with assigning users to tasks.
  • Resolved an issue with two broken text links at the bottom of the New Connection dialog box.
  • Resolved an issue where some views would not be displayed in the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue that would break columns of the Browse page when a user was assigned to a copied role.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the creation of freehand SQL views using Hive.

Web services

  • Refactored the use of the client org parameter in the user admin web service GETALLUSERS (learn more).
  • Resolved an issue where IMPORTCONTENTNOVALIDATION would cause an error 42 when trying to import older version import files via SOAP.

Breaking changes



  • Upgraded JavaScript charting libraries to 0.7.20 (C3), 2.9.4 (chart.js) and 6.2.0 (D3).


This is a minor release to fix two issues.


  • Modified the schema fetching process to be compatible with older JDBC drivers, including the ojdbc5.jar Oracle JDBC driver.
  • Resolved an issue with field matching logic where importing a view with a view-level filter named the same as an existing field in the existing view would cause the report to break.

Yellowfin 8.0.7




  • Added broadcasting support for client organization-specific external URL configuration (eg,, (learn more).
  • Broadcast Frequency is now more flexible, with a new option to broadcast on a particular day of a particular week in a given month) (learn more).
  • FTP broadcast can now optionally add a timestamp to a file name (learn more).


  • Implemented image link formatting that takes an image URL from report data and wraps it in an HTML image tag to display it inline within the report table (learn more).


  • Our REST API version is now 1.1, with new endpoints added for: managing user access to organisations; licence management; role creation and management; scheduled background task management; metadata SQL query functions;   GET/threshold-alerts for fetching broadcast alerts received by a user; creating and managing categories; importing and exporting content; managing caching; and, content translations.
  • Unlocked REST admin services for non-server based licenses (only REST content services require a server licence).
  • Added an admin mode toggle, used to suspend new content creation in a Yellowfin instance, enabling zero-downtime upgrades of clustered environments.
  • Removed outdated restlet library.


  • New licences can now be deployed during a db-only silent upgrade.
  • Upgraded:
    • Upgraded jQuery library to version 3.5.1
    • Spring framework libraries to version 5.2.7
    • Google Guava Library to version 29.0
    • PostgreSQL JDBC driver to 42.2.14
    • Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.37.
    • Apache POI to version 4.1.2
    • Apache Commons FileUpload to version 1.4
    • JGroups to version 4.2.4 (see Community article)
    • Jakarta-XML web services framework to version 2.3.3
    • JasperReports library to version 6.13.0
    • SnakeYAML to version 1.26.
  • Enhanced the JSESSIONID cookie to support SameSite, which is slowly being rolled out in many browsers (learn more).
  • Added missing date functions to HSQLDB, Exasol and Intersystems IRIS databases, in line with existing date functions for Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, Snowflake, and SQL Server.
  • Restored CUSTOMPARAMETERS functionality to web service calls.
  • Updated the process of importing report-based views to always include their parent reports.
  • Improved web service for imported views so that when an imported view replaces an existing view, the imported content folder and subfolder replace the existing content.
  • Implemented changes to allow multilevel Tomcat context paths.
  • Enabled a Java Virtual Machine run parameter for UTF8 in order to broadcast reports to file with report names that contain particular UTF8 characters.
  • Added event auditing for user role updates in the Admin console.
  • Cleaned up logging and enhanced it to include Thread Id, Session Identifier and Code Function to log lines.
  • Added the ability to set a user’s regional display preferences for decimal and thousand separators based on the language configured for that user (learn more here and here).
  • Enhanced session management for cluster deployments, including timeout information for remote sessions in Session Management, and the ability to remove stale sessions stored in the repository database.
  • Added the option to require users to update their password at regular intervals. Interval length is adjustable. LDAP users, whose passwords are managed client side, are excluded from this reminder (learn more).
  • Removed ColumnarDB as a new datasource type (existing ColumnarDBs aren’t affected).
  • Added valid checksums to avoid liquibase upgrade issues.

User Interface

  • Added an option to show or hide the minimum/maximum value in the report filter value list.
  • Totals and sub totals can now be moved to any side — top, left, right or bottom — of a report table (learn more here and here).
  • Added the ability to group data on calculated fields that span multiple sub queries.
  • Hard-coded filters can now be passed through to child reports during drill through.
  • Converted report date fields from metric to dimension for the import process.
  • Updated all date pickers to follow the global 'Week Start Day' setting.




  • Resolved an issue where conditional format legends would lose all colours when exporting to PDF.


  • Fixed an issue that caused filter links on an imported dashboard to not show when editing the dashboard.


  • Resolved an issue where a field folder not in use could not be deleted if another customer on the same installation had a field folder with the same name and content within.
  • Resolved an issue in clustered environments that would prevent some web.xml updates from being applied to secondary nodes.
  • Resolved an issue with memory settings, which would not set correctly for Windows Service on installation.
  • Resolved an issue with the UPDATEUSER Web Service API where user emails could not be updated.
  • Resolved a WKT geometry-related issue where a LINESTRING would not be correctly converted to a geometry value.
  • Resolved an issue in clustered environments that would prevent some web.xml updates from being applied to secondary nodes.
  • Restricted some source metadata calls to a particular catalog for certain databases.
  • Resolved an issue where GMT time, rather than the server time, was used as the start date when creating new users, which could prevent immediate access for newly-created users.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent some filters from appearing on an imported dashboard when their report was replaced with an existing one during import.
  • Resolved an issue where categories (now known as content folders) and sub categories (now known as sub folders) were not being returned as export dependencies for a view.
  • Resolved an issue for manual and API imports of time series reports and charts that would switch time granularity and aggregation to their defaults.
  • Resolved an issue where SubQuery links could be lost during import.
  • Resolved a specific error on the view builder Prepare tab that would block XML imports.

User Interface

  • Resolved an issue that would prevent advanced broadcast from using email addresses from an edited report.
  • Resolved an issue where table conditions were being sent a null value when used in an advanced sub query child report.
  • Resolved an issue where numeric display chart formatting would be used incorrectly on a report when paging through results.
  • Resolved an issue where Approval Required reports would not appear in the active reports.
  • Resolved an issue where the column formatting option, Suppress Duplicates, would not work on column reports based on Freehand SQL queries.
  • Resolved an issue where deleting a report with restricted columns would repeatedly display a confirmation popup.
  • Resolved an issue where a configured watermark would not display on reports with a single chart.
  • Resolved an issue where the dynamic date parameter would only use DAY time measurements. 
  • Resolved an issue where a field converter could not be applied in a subquery.
  • Resolved an issue that impacted the security of views in a report sub query.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the bulk deletion of draft reports from the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue where calculated totals did not always select the correct field.
  • Improved text in the UI to better reflect how the minimum broadcast interval works.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a Signal from being assigned to an owner.
  • Resolved an issue with missing Signal correlations in client orgs.
  • Resolved an 'Oh no error' message that would appear when creating an ETL flow and using third-party connectors.
  • Improved the positioning of the Add button for calculated fields.
  • Enabled the use of WKT geometry fields in freehand SQL columns. Users can also disable the geometry cache and use the non-cached WKT geometry fields.


  • We addressed lots of small issues around filtering, such as previous values persisting and caching issues. In detail, we resolved issues where:
    • a timestamp or converted date filter would not work as a parent dependent filter;
    • adding a new field to a view level filter group that had existing reports would corrupt the reports;
    • creating a calculated filter would filter out calculated fields;
    • converting predefined dates of parameter filters would throw exceptions; and,
    • the value of dependent filters would update incorrectly.


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Yellowfin 8.0.3


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Yellowfin 8.0.2


  • Not all database drivers are shipped with Yellowfin because of licensing reasons. This means a new step during the installation process to specify the JDBC drivers. See the installation prerequisite section for more detail.
  • The above change also effects prepackaged JDBC drivers. More here.
  • LDAP functionality has been updated to allow LDAP group to be dynamically mapped to Yellowfin roles. More here.
  • View relationships have been updated where outer joins can be treated as inner joins by adding a hidden configuration. More here.
  • Additional backend configurations are added for report broadcasts to conserve memory and enable carbon copy. More here.
  • SSL security and load balance configuration options are added for Vertica database. More here.
  • It is now possible to have sub totals on cross tab reports in the report builder. More here.
  • Report column formatters now supported in charts tooltips in the form of a new 'Tooltip Formatting' configuration. More here.
  • Published Stories have a new Summary option that includes the unique content ID (or publishUUid). More here.
  • The data source web services can now also be supported in individual client organizations. More here.
  • New 'Analyses max row returned' connection parameters are implemented to specify database row limit for automated analysis (ie, Signals and AI). More here.

Signals specific updates:

  • Filtering can be done when setting up a Signal analysis in the form of a new step. More here in Step 4.
  • Implemented the support of Seasonality in Signals analysis. This includes additional configuration parameters. More here.
  • New functionality in Outlier signals is added to provide users with option to ignore outdated signals. More here.
  • A new Clear signals option has been implemented that allows users to dismiss all old signals created by a job. More here.
  • The Signals UI, and especially Signal Alerts has been improved, and now provides specific information. More here.
  • Signal Analysis panel has been enhanced to display only significant charts. More here.


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Yellowfin 8.0.1


  • A new type of Signal detection, called Breakouts, is possible. More here.
  • Correlation functionality has been introduced to Signals that looks for matching patterns across all the views and databases. More here.
  • A new step has been added to the Signal configuration to limit client organizations in the analysis. More here.
  • Additional Signal actions have been introduced, including ownership, assignment, dismissal, closing, and sharing. More here.
  • New role functions have been added to allow users to distribute signals, and to include external content into Yellowfin. More here.
  • Revamped the rating process on a Signal to specify whether the information was useful or not. More here.
  • Auto-analysis configuration settings are included to define good and bad characteristics with color differentiation. More here.
  • Configuration settings have been implemented to cache Signal. More here.
  • A set of general algorithm parameters have been added to the Signal setup. More here.
  • It is also possible to pre-select time parameters. More here.
  • The auto analysis generated in the Analysis tab of a Signal can be copied and edited as a new report. More here.
  • New chart formatting settings, called Trim Display, are added to trim categories from charts. More here.
  • Functionality to add external BI content into your Story has been improved. More here.
  • It is now possible to explore a story linked to a signal. More here.
  • Users can now be requested to write a story on a specific Signal. More here.
  • You can also create a new report from within a story. More here.
  • Yellowfin's web services SSO parameters have been updated for Story content. More here.


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Yellowfin 8.0


  • Enhancements to the chart builder include support for dimension series for non-cross tab charts.
  • Changes have been made to Dynamic and Repository clustering infrastructures
  • New web services are introduced to edit Yellowfin views.
