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  1. Install the full application installer version of Yellowfin on your workstation (this is temporary to ensure the repo DB is available for the containers to use)
  2. Copy the web.xml file from this installation and save it as a backup to your preferred location (this acts as a reference for the Yellowfin credentials required to connect to your Yellowfin repo DB) 
  3. Ensure Docker is running
  4. Copy the following text and paste it into your preferred text editor:

    Code Block
    version: '3' 
          - "8080:8080" # Maps Yellowfin running on port 8080 to the host's port 8080 environment: 
          # Required environment variables 
          - JDBC_CLASS_NAME=INSERT_DATABASE_TYPE_HERE # Database driver class name 
          - JDBC_CONN_URL=jdbc:INSERT_JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE # Database connection string 
          - JDBC_CONN_USER=INSERT_DATABASE_USER_HERE # Username to use when accessing the database 
          - JDBC_CONN_PASS=INSERT_JDBC_PASSWORD_HERE # Password for the database user 
          - JDBC_CONN_ENCRYPTED=true # Flag for indicating if the database user's password supplied is encrypted or not. 
          - APP_MEMORY=4096 # The amount of memory in megabytes to assign to the Yellowfin Application. 
       image: "yellowfinbi/yellowfin-app-only:<RELEASE_VERSION_GOES_HERE>" # Path to the app-only image of Yellowfin 

  5. Read through the above text and replace the environment variable placeholders with your own configuration details(these are located in the web.xml file of your local Yellowfin installation); here’s an example to connect to a local PostgreSQL instance:

    Code Block
          # Required environment variables 
          - JDBC_CLASS_NAME=org.postgresql.Driver # Database driver class name 
          - JDBC_CONN_URL=jdbc:postgresql:// # Database connection string 
          - JDBC_CONN_USER=postgres # Username to use when accessing the database 
          - JDBC_CONN_PASS=bXF0oj5gnB1oRB1kZq5 # Password for the database user 
          - JDBC_CONN_ENCRYPTED=true # Flag for indicating if the database user's password supplied is encrypted or not. 
          - APP_MEMORY=4096 # The amount of memory in megabytes to assign to the Yellowfin Application. 
       image: "yellowfinbi/yellowfin-app-only:9.6.0" # Path to the app-only image of Yellowfin 

  6. Save the text to a YAML file called yellowfin-single-instance.yml 

  7. Run the following command in a terminal to deploy Yellowfin and execute it in the background:
    docker-compose up -d -f yellowfin-single-instance.yml

  8. Start Yellowfin by typing your host URL on port 8080

  9. Ensure that Yellowfin is running from your container and that you can login(this confirms that your login credentials are correct, so you can safely delete the workstation instance of Yellowfin)

  10. Delete the workstation instance of Yellowfin by removing the folder
