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Table of Contents




Advanced Functions are used to transform results by applying post processing calculations to the initial query results. These functions are database independent as they are performed by Java code, rather than being part of the SQL query.



Accumulative Percentage

Displays a running percentage to total for the values in the field. A maximum of 100% will be displayed.

Accumulative Percentage Against ColumnDisplays the running total of a selected field as a percentage against running totals of other fields.
Accumulative Percentage with Cut-offDisplays a running percentage of total for the values in the field. A maximum % cut-off can be specified, or set to user prompt.

Accumulative Total

Displays out a running total for the values in the field.

Ascending Rank

Displays a rank based on the values in the field. The highest value returned will be displayed as a 1. Used where the preferable result is a higher value. Eg. Profit.

Bottom 10 Rank

Displays a rank based on the values in the field. The bottom 10 values (lowest) are returned.

Bottom N Rank

Displays a rank based on the values in the field. The bottom N values (lowest) are returned– user returned—user is prompted to define number to return.

Delta from Last

Displays the calculated change between consecutive rows.

Delta from Last N

Displays the calculated change between the current row and row - N.

Descending Rank

Displays a rank based on the values in the field. The lowest value returned will be displayed as a 1. Used where the preferable result is a lower value. Eg. Expenses.

Deviation From PreviousDisplays the deviation from the previous value. The formula used is: (current value - previous value) / previous value.

Difference of Columns

Displays the result of the difference of two selected columns.

Difference TruncateDisplays the truncated difference between two metric columns.
Division By ColumnDisplays the result of the division of two selected columns, where the current column is the denominator and the numerator is defined in the setup.
Division of ColumnsDisplays the result of the division of two selected columns, where the current column is the numerator and the denominator is defined in the setup.
Filter Percentage of TotalDisplays the percentage of total for the values in the field, where the percentages are either above or below a specified threshold depending on the direction defined.
Grouped Percentage of TotalReturns the highest percentage of the specified field.
Growth TruncateDisplays the truncated growth between two metric fields as a percentage.

Multiplication of Columns

Displays the multiplication of two selected columns.

Natural Logarithm

Gives the base e logarithm of the values of a given field.

Null To ZeroDisplays all NULL values found in the field with zero (0).

Percentage Against Absolute Maximum

Returns percentage of selected field according to an absolute maximum value.

Percentage Against Accumulative ColumnDisplays the percentage of a selected field against running totals in other fields.

Percentage Against Column

Creates a percentage ration of values in the selected column compared to another column.

Percentage Against Maximum

Returns the % of the attribute when compared to the maximum value of the attribute within the dataset.

Percentage Change Against ColumnDisplays the percentage of change of the selected field against a value in another column.
Percentage of Initial ValueDisplays the percentage of a value compared to the initial value in the column

Percentage of Total

Returns the % of the attribute when compared to the total summed value of the attribute for the entire dataset.

Periodic AverageDisplays the window average of a certain time period.
Remove ValuesRemove values below above or below a defined threshold.
Sparkline Array Analytic FunctionCreates an array of the selected metric by aggregating data by a date field.  Tip: Use this with the Sparkline Formatter to create a sparkline chart in a report. Click here for a tutorial.

Sum of Columns

Returns the sum of two selected columns.

Top 10 Rank

The top 10 values (highest) are returned.

Top N Rank

The top N values (highest) are returned – user is prompted to define number to return.

Top N With Ties

Returns top values for the selected field with provision for tied values. This means that if there are multiple records per ranking it will restrict it to N total rankings.

Top/Bottom N Percentage of TotalDisplay records that make up either the top or bottom N % of total.
Truncate Data SetRemoves N rows from either the top or bottom of the dataset.



Concatenate Columns

Joins two columns into one text string.


titleData Conversion

Data Conversion allows you to adjust results once they've returned from the database. For example you may wish to convert a currency value which is stored in the database from a full currency value to a (‘000) where the value is divided by 1000. This transformation can be achieved using the data conversion.



Custom Advanced Function Example - R Integration


titleClick to expand...

For Yellowfin to understand and execute R script a slightly different structure will be used in the script discussed below.

Consider a sample script called <R_file_name>.R. The input parameters passed from Yellowfin will be available in a file called <R_file_name>.R.input.csv. Post processing, the R-script should write the results (only one column) back to <R_file_name>.R.result.csv . 

Below is a sample R-Script for Neural Networks. Copy this script and make sure it runs without any errors in R.

Code Block
titleSample R-Script : neural-net-script.R
library(rattle)   # To access the weather dataset and utility commands. 
library(magrittr) # For the %>% and %<>% operators. 
building <- TRUE 
scoring  <- ! building 
# A pre-defined value is used to reset the random seed so that results are repeatable. 
crv$seed <- 42  
# Load the data. 
rPATH  <- Sys.getenv("RSCRIPT_PATH") 
rINPUT <- paste0(rPATH ,"/neural-net-script.r.input.csv") 
rOUTPUT <- paste0(rPATH ,"/neural-net-script.r.result.csv") 
dataset <- read.csv(file=rINPUT, header=FALSE, sep=",") 
# Note the user selections.  
# Build the training/validate/test datasets. 
crs$nobs <- nrow(dataset) # 366 observations  
crs$sample <- crs$train <- sample(nrow(dataset), 0.7*crs$nobs) # 256 observations 
crs$validate <- sample(setdiff(seq_len(nrow(dataset)), crs$train), 0.15*crs$nobs) # 54 observations 
crs$test <- setdiff(setdiff(seq_len(nrow(dataset)), crs$train), crs$validate) # 56 observations 
# The following variable selections have been noted. 
crs$input <- c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4","V5") 
crs$target  <- "V6" 
# Neural Network  
# Build a neural network model using the nnet package. 
library(nnet, quietly=TRUE) 
# Build the NNet model. 
crs$nnet <- nnet(as.factor(V6) ~ .,data=dataset[crs$sample,c(crs$input, crs$target)],size=10, skip=TRUE, MaxNWts=10000, trace=FALSE, maxit=100) 
# Score a dataset.  
# Obtain probability scores for the Neural Net model on weather.csv [validate]. 
#crs$pr <- predict(crs$nnet, newdata=dataset[crs$validate, c(crs$input)], type="class") 
#crs$pr <- predict(crs$nnet, newdata=dataset[crs$validate, c(crs$input)], type="class") 
crs$pr <- predict(crs$nnet, newdata=dataset, type="class") 
write.table(crs$pr, file=rOUTPUT, row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE) 


Calling R-Script

titleClick to expand...

Once installed, you will be able to use this function through the Advanced Function menu.





Applying a Function

Report Builder - Data Step


  1. Open the field's drop down menu.
  2. Select the Advanced Function option from the list, then select Edit, to open the Advanced Function display.
  3. You will now need to complete the function options:
    1. Apply the appropriate aggregation to the field. This ensures the function is applied on top of any aggregations necessary.
    2. Select which function type you wish to use, from Analysis, Statistical, and Text.
    3. Select the name of the function you wish to use from the list. Once selected, you will see a description of the function displayed next to it. Some functions require extra parameters, which will need to be defined once the function has been selected.
    4. You also have the option to set the function to only display on the Charts page. This hides the field on the report table, but you will still be able to see and edit it through the Column/Row list on the Data step. This allows you to create additional copies of a field to apply functions for graphical purposes, without cluttering your table with extra fields.
  4. When defined, click Save to apply the function.

Applying Data Conversion



Applying Data Conversion

Data in a field can be converted by completing the following:

  1. Open the Advanced Function display, as outlined in the sections above.
  2. Choose the ‘Data Conversion’ tab. This will provide you with the interface to use to select the conversion you wish to apply.
  3. Choose the aggregation appropriate for you conversion.
  4. Click Add button to select and apply a conversion – this will present you with a list of possible conversions for the data type you have selected. By default there is a java date converter and a Numeric divide converter (This lets you divide a value by 1000’s etc).
  5. Follow the on screen instructions for the converter and click Save.
  6. Note that you can add multiple converters to a data type if required by clicking the add link and creating a new type.



