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Comment: Changed Conserve memory during export and added Display Low Memory Exports toggle




Conserve memory during export

To ensure that the memory does not get The low memory export configuration prevents memory from being exhausted when exporting a large report reports to XLSX , you can enable a Low Memory Export option. This format. When the configuration is enabled, the system processes reports in parts in memory, rather than as a whole.

To enable this feature, add the following SQL code into your configuration database:

Code Block
INSERT INTO Configuration(IpOrg, ConfigTypeCode, ConfigCode, ConfigData) values(<IP_org>, 'SYSTEM', 'REPORTLOWMEMORYEXPORT', 'TRUE');

Remember to set your value for <IP_org> to either the primary org (1) or a client org.


Display Low Memory Exports toggle

This configuration displays the Low Memory Exports toggle option on the report Export Settings dialog box, providing the option to enable or disable the feature within the UI per report. The toggle is also displayed on the System Configuration page to enable or disable the feature as the default setting for all report exports.

Enabling this option overrides the global setting, REPORTLOWMEMORYEXPORT which enforces low memory exports. This means exports will be faster, but more memory-intensive.

When set to TRUE, the export option ‘Low Memory Exports’ is displayed in the report Export Settings dialog box. 

To enable this feature, add the following SQL code into your configuration database:

Code Block

Remember to set your value for <IP_org> to either the primary org (1) or a client org.


Prevent data sources from being flagged as "unavailable" even when offline

When Yellowfin flags a data source as unavailable, it relies on a web service call or a Yellowfin administrator to manually bring it back online by accessing the list of data sources in the Admin Console, finding the data source flagged as offline, and clicking on the Test Connection button — even if a data source has come back online independently. In some situations where data sources are only offline temporarily, you may wish to avoid them being flagged as unavailable to reduce manual intervention. In this case, you can use parameter to prevent any flagging.

When set to FALSE (default), if a data source is detected to be offline, it will be flagged as unavailable and will require manual intervention to come back online.

When set to TRUE, none of your data sources will be flagged as unavailable, whether they're offline temporarily or permanently. You would need to manually investigate each data source independently of Yellowfin.

Code Block

This is a system-wide setting that cannot be enabled for specific client organizations; Therefore, this value must always be set to 1.


Allow empty or null value to be used for cached filter

Use this parameter to get parent filter results to persist when a child filter result contains empty or null values.

When set to FALSE (default), cached filters will ignore empty or null values.

When set to TRUE, cached filters will not ignore empty or null values.

Code Block

In this sample, 1 signifies the primary/default organization.

Disable outer join check

During the creation of views, you can configure outer joins to be treated as inner joins when creating View relationships in the database.


In this sample, 1 signifies the primary/default organization.


Force Yellowfin to use legacy RC4 128 PDF encryption

When set to TRUE, this forces Yellowfin to use legacy RC4 128-bit encryption for PDFs rather than the default  of AES 256-bit encrypted PDFs.

Use the following SQL to do so:


In this sample, 1 signifies the primary/default organization.


Log failed login events

When set to FALSE (default), only failed login attempts made via a valid username are recorded in the system log files. 

When set to TRUE, all failed login attempts to Yellowfin are recorded in the system logs, whether the username is valid or not, allowing for more accurate auditing of login activity.

Use the following SQL to do so:


In this sample, 1 signifies the primary/default organization.


Broadcast filename template

This configuration can be used as a template for filenames used in email broadcasts, FTP schedules and save to disk schedules. When set, it applies to all broadcasts on your Yellowfin instance. This configuration overrides the Append Broadcast Date and Append Broadcast Time options, therefore their respective checkboxes will no longer appear on the broadcast configuration dialog box once this configuration is set.

The value stored in the configuration can contain placeholders for the report name and date that will be filled in by the broadcast process:

  • The {filename} placeholder will be replaced with the report name for email broadcasts, or the file name specified in the FTP Broadcast and Save to Disk Schedule dialog boxes.
  • All other placeholders within the curly brackets are treated as datetime format strings, following the SimpleDateFormat specification.

For example, utilizing the Broadcast Filename Template format {yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss} as outlined in the code snippet below, will produce the filename ‘Ski Report - 2020-01-01_12-34-56.pdf’. 

The resulting filename must be compatible with the filesystem if FTP schedules and Save to Disk schedules are used. For example, if the destination FTP server or the Yellowfin instance are running on Windows, then using a colon character (:) should be avoided as it is an illegal character in filenames on NTFS. Email broadcasts, however, will replace illegal characters in filenames with underscores.

Code Block
INSERT INTO Configuration VALUES (1, 'SYSTEM', 'BROADCASTFILENAMETEMPLATE', '{filename} - {yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}');

In this sample, 1 denotes the primary/default organization. This is a system-wide setting that cannot be enabled for specific client organizations; therefore, this value must always be set to 1.