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The Google Analytics Connector helps you analyze and share insights about your website traffic. The connector is bundled with pre-built content to give you an immediate understanding of who visits your website, which pages they visit, and how they found you in the first place. 

The steps below provide detailed instructions to help you get started. Steps include:

  • installing the Google Analytics connector;
  • connecting to your Google account; and,
  • saving your configuration and adding the prepackaged content to Yellowfin.

Install the Google Analytics connector

Start by downloading the Google Analytics connector from the Yellowfin Marketplace, then follow the steps below to get started. 

When creating a new connector to Yellowfin, ensure that your Yellowfin user has enough access to complete the steps below. Their role will need some of the checkboxes checked under the Data Sources & Views role in the Yellowfin admin console. The steps below presume the user is logged in to Yellowfin with the correct access level.

  1.  From the Yellowfin burger bun  menu in the top left corner, click on Administration, then Plugin Management
    The Plugin Management dialog box will be displayed:

    If you have already installed any other plugins or connectors, they will be listed here.
  2. Click on the Add button to display the New Plugin dialog box
  3. Enter a name and a description, which will be used to list the connector on the Plugin Management page, then upload the connector that you downloaded from Yellowfin Marketplace
  4. Click on the Submit button to add the connector to your Yellowfin instance.

Configure Google

Yellowfin can only display Google Analytics data if the connector after some strict security checks are made. You will therefore need a Google client ID that has the Google Analytics API enabled. The process is covered in the steps below. Once complete, you will use these credentials to set up a new data source in Yellowfin via the connector.

Create a Google client ID

The instructions below are not related to Yellowfin software. They are provided here only to cover the basics of the configuration you’ll need to use Google Analytics in Yellowfin. If you need further help, please refer to any instructions provided by the third-party software provider.

  1. Go to to open the Google APIs console
  2. Click on the Credentials link on the left
  3. At the top left of the screen, click on Select a project to display a dialog box, then click on NEW PROJECT in the top right corner of the dialog box
  4. Type a name for the project, such as ‘Yellowfin’, and optionally, edit the provided project ID, then click on the Create button
  5. On the Credentials page, click on the +CREATE CREDENTIALS link at the top of the page, then click on OAuth client ID
  6. If you’re prompted to provide further information on the OAuth consent window, click on the CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN button and provide the requested information, then click on the various buttons, including the final BACK TO DASHBOARD button, then repeat step 5
  7. From the Application type dropdown, select Desktop app, and enter any additional information required
  8. Click on the Create button
    The OAuth client created confirmation box will appear, displaying your client ID and your client secret
  9. Click on OK in the bottom right corner.



If you have problems with access, check that under OAuth consent screen, your publishing status is set to In production.

Enable the Google Analytics API

  1. From the Google APIs console, click on the Library link on the left, and if you’re prompted to enable the API library, enable it
  2. In the search bar, type google analytics api
  3. From the search results, click on Google Analytics API
  4. Click on the Enable button to enable the API

Connect your accounts

Now that your Google APIs console has been configured and your Google Analytics connector is installed within Yellowfin, you can connect the two. To complete these steps, you will:

  • create a new data source; and,
  • create a secure connection between Google and Yellowfin.

Create a new data source

  1. In Yellowfin, click on the yellow Create button  and select Data Source from the list

    Now, you will see the Google Analytics connecter listed under Or choose a platform:
  2. Click on the Google Analytics connector

Create a secure connection between Google and Yellowfin

  1. Provide a name and a description for your connector if these fields are empty
  2. Enter your client ID and client secret from your Google APIs console in the relevant fields
  3. Click on the Generate Authorize URL button
  4. Click on the Authorize Google Analytics button
  5. Choose your Google account (the one you used to create Client ID and Client Secret)
    You may see a verification warning message:

    Note: To remove this warning screen, submit your data usage and server host to Google for review
  6. If the message above appears, click on the Advanced link and any further confirmation links to go to the app, including the Allow button on the screen below:

    Google will display a code:
  7. Copy the code, then switch back to Yellowfin
  8. Paste the code into the 3. Enter PIN field
  9. Click on the Validate Pin button
    If the pin produces an unsuccessful result (eg, Google user doesn’t have access to Analytics, incorrect code was pasted into a field etc.), a corresponding error message will be displayed, and you will need to resolve the issue before you can continue:

    When the pin match is successful, the remaining fields will be filled by Yellowfin:
  10. Click on the arrow on the right of the Launch Pre-Built Content button to see what options are available

  11. Choose the most appropriate option (see Third Party Connectors for more info); typically, this is Launch Pre-Built Content, which will process the request and load any content that comes shipped with the connector. For Google Analytics, this is a dashboard with tabbed groups of data.

For more information on the pre-built content, visit the Google Analytics Pre-built Content wiki page.

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