Users will receive email notifications for multiple events, provided the settings have been enabled. This section provides a mapping between each notification setting and the events that initiate those email alerts.
Notification settings
Administrators can configure notification settings through the Configuration page. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Email > General Settings > Notification Settings.
The table below shows that when a specific setting is enabled, emails will be sent if any of its related events occur.
Setting | Events |
User Account & Password Updates | This setting is for sending emails based on user account and password related activities, including:
Content Distribution | When content such as a dashboard, report, signal, story, or storyboard is distributed, the recipients with receive emails. Note that if email notifications are turned off for this setting, recipients will still be able to get updates via timeline notifications. |
Comment Updates | Email notification sent to users regarding any type of content. Events include:
Note that these notifications are sent when other users leave comments as mentioned in the events above; not when you leave comments yourself. |
Timeline Updates | You will receive notifications if the following events related to timelines occur:
Discussion Stream Updates | Email notifications related to discussion stream events are sent in the following cases:
Signal Updates | Email notifications regarding Signals are sent to you in the following cases:
Story Updates | Email notifications related to Stories are sent to you in the following cases:
Individual users also have control over which notifications they prefer to receive. They can change these settings through their profile.
Go to Profile Settings > Notification & Privacy.