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Users will receive email notifications for multiple events, provided the settings have been enabled. This section provides a mapping between each notification setting and the events that initiate those email alerts.

Notification settings

Administrators can configure notification settings through the Configuration page. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Email > General Settings > Notification Settings. 

The table below shows that when a specific setting is enabled, emails will be sent if any of its related events occur.

User Account & Password Updates

This setting is for sending emails based on user account and password related activities, including:

  • A user changes their password.
  • A new user account is created.
  • A user’s password is reset.
Content Distribution

When content such as a dashboard, report, signal, story, or storyboard is distributed, the recipients with receive emails.

Note that if email notifications are turned off for this setting, recipients will still be able to get updates via timeline notifications.

Comment Updates

Email notification sent to users regarding any type of content. Events include:

  • If another user replied to your comment on a content.
  • If you were mentioned or tagged in a comment from another user.
  • A comment added to content that you have added to your favourites.
  • Events related to tasks on multiple content types. Such as being assigned a task, the task is in review, the task is rejected, or the task is accepted.
  • If you had flagged a comment in a discussion for updates, and another user replies on it.
  • If you are invited to a private comment that another user has created on a discussion.

Note that these notifications are sent when other users leave comments as mentioned in the events above; not when you leave comments yourself.

Timeline Updates

You will receive notifications if the following events related to timelines occur: 

  • If another user connects with (that is, follows) you. 
  • If another user comments on your timeline.
  • If a user replied to a comment you left on a timeline.
Discussion Stream Updates

Email notifications related to discussion stream events are sent in the following cases:

  • If you get invited to a discussion stream.
  • If you belong to a discussion stream/group and another user posts a comment there.
  • If a user replied to your discussion stream comment.
Signal Updates

Email notifications regarding Signals are sent to you in the following cases:

  • If a signal is added to your timeline.
  • If you get assigned a signal.
  • If someone mentions or tags you in a comment in a signal (that you are not watching).
  • If you are “watching” a signal, and:
    • Another user closes it.
    • Someone leaves a comment on it.
    • Its owner changes.
    • Its owner gets unassigned.
    • A story is published on it.
Story Updates

Email notifications related to Stories are sent to you in the following cases: 

  • You get invited to contribute to a story.
  • A story gets published and its author or collaborator is a user you follow.
  • A story that you collaborated on gets published.

Individual users also have control over which notifications they prefer to receive. They can change these settings through their profile.

Go to Profile Settings > Notification & Privacy.

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