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Table of Contents

Yellowfin 9 revolves around providing business users with unique ways to engage with and act on their data, and addressing the needs of data analysts and developers who want to build and deploy amazing analytical experiences.
With the 9.3 and 9.3.1 releases, we’ve moved forward on several fronts by focussing on streamlining the user experience and making our analytic capabilities more composable. We have also enhanced existing functionality and provided more coverage for APIs. Yellowfin 9.3.1 is therefore more flexible, more robust and more fun to use. In short, we listened to your feedback and we got busy.

You can read the overview about the big improvements to our image manager, APIs and broadcast toolset on our website, or read the more detailed release notes below.

Yellowfin 9.3.1

Just a few small issues resolved soon after releasing 9.3.


  • Back end/Admin — Replaced occurrences of hardcoded colours with corresponding CSS variables.
  • Back end/Admin — Resolved an issue where a cluster in REPOSITORY mode would not merge once partitioned.
  • Back end/Admin — Resolved an SSO login error that would occur when MultiTab was enabled.
  • JS API — Resolved an issue that would prevent the Assisted Insights results panel from closing on externally embedded content.
  • JS API — Implemented a new ReportAPI parameter that allows users to choose the parent container in which the Assisted Insights results panel will be rendered.
  • Import/Export — Resolved an issue that would produce an encoding error during XML import using SOAP/REST.
  • Broadcast — Resolved an issue that would result in broadcast problems for instances using SQLServer when they were upgraded to 9.3.
  • Broadcast — Resolved an issue that would cause some report broadcasts to include a blank PDF under very specific timing circumstances.
  • Dashboards — Resolved an issue that could result in sorting the wrong column in a report on a dashboard.
  • PDF — Resolved an issue with dashboard report PDF exports where, sometimes, cells would not span the correct number of rows.
  • PDF — Resolved an issue that would cause PDF exports to fail when a report contained a table column formatted using an Image Link Formatter.
  • PDF — Resolved an issue that would cause a messy display of any tabs on dashboards exported via PDF.

Yellowfin 9.3




  • Added broadcasting support for client organization-specific external URL configuration (eg,, (learn more).
  • Broadcast Frequency is now more flexible, with a new option to broadcast on a particular day of a particular week in a given month (learn more).
  • A dashboard can now be scheduled for broadcast. It can be broadcast as a link or as a PDF attachment (learn more here and here).
  • FTP broadcast can now optionally add a timestamp to a file name (learn more).
  • Improved text in the UI to better reflect how the minimum broadcast interval works.
  • Allowed bulk CC broadcast reporting when using ARJDBC driver. 


  • Image management functionality has been overhauled. There is a new, intuitive look and feel, search performance has been improved, and images can be tagged as official Corporate Images (restricted by a role). The workflow for adding images to a Dashboard has been simplified (learn more here and here).
  • Added the ability to replace an image in Dashboard and Present canvas while retaining all its widget properties, such as opacity, dimensions, position etc (learn more).
  • Implemented image link formatting that takes an image URL from report data and wraps it in an HTML image tag to display it inline within the report table (learn more).


  • Added extra PDF export options including page size, page orientation, and saving defaults for next time (learn more). 


  • Assisted Insights can now be enabled for reports and charts embedded via the JS API (learn more).
  • Developers can now toggle certain UI features of a report by manipulating output types. Report interactions (drill down, drill anywhere, drill through, series selection, unit selection, brushing, timeslider) can be disabled when loading reports with the JS API. The API can also be used to trigger report interactions (drill breadcrumbs, show annotations).
  • Added the export menu to dashboards embedded in the JS API.
  • Drill through reports are now possible on reports loaded using the JS API. A drill through report can replace the existing report or appear in a pop-up window. You can also customize the display to suit your needs.
  • Reports can now be loaded but not automatically displayed on the page when using the reports.loadReport() function in the JS API. Also added the ReportAPI function for devs to easily create a visualisation of a report.


  • Our REST API version is now 1.1, with new endpoints added for: managing user access to organisations; licence management; role creation and management; scheduled background task management; metadata SQL query functions;   GET/threshold-alerts for fetching broadcast alerts received by a user; creating and managing categories; importing and exporting content; managing caching; and, content translations.
  • Unlocked REST admin services for non-server based licenses (only REST content services require a server licence).
  • licence management, role creation and management, scheduled background task management and metadata SQL query functions. 
  • Added an admin mode toggle, used to suspend new content creation in a Yellowfin instance, enabling zero-downtime upgrades of clustered environments.
  • Removed outdated restlet library.


  • New licences can now be deployed during a db-only silent upgrade.
  • Upgraded:
    • Upgraded jQuery library to version 3.5.1
    • Spring framework libraries to version 5.2.7
    • Google Guava Library to version 29.0
    • PostgreSQL JDBC driver to 42.2.14
    • Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.37.
    • Apache POI to version 4.1.2
    • Apache Commons FileUpload to version 1.4
    • JGroups to version 4.2.4 (see Community article)
    • Jakarta-XML web services framework to version 2.3.3
    • JasperReports library to version 6.13.0
    • SnakeYAML to version 1.26.
  • Reinforced security against XSS attacks in the dashboard builder, canvas and text widgets.
  • Enhanced the JSESSIONID cookie to support SameSite, which is slowly being rolled out in many browsers (learn more).
  • Added missing date functions to HSQLDB, Exasol and Intersystems IRIS databases, in line with existing date functions for Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, Snowflake, and SQL Server.
  • Restored CUSTOMPARAMETERS functionality to web service calls.
  • Updated the process of importing report-based views to always include their parent report.
  • Improved web service for imported views so that when an imported view replaces an existing view, the imported content folder and subfolder replace the existing content.
  • Implemented changes to allow multilevel Tomcat context paths.
  • Added a configuration option, VIEWTABLELIMIT, to restrict the number of tables returned from the database on view creation.
  • Enabled a Java Virtual Machine run parameter for UTF8 in order to broadcast reports to file with report names that contain particular UTF8 characters.
  • Enhanced session management for cluster deployments, including timeout information for remote sessions in Session Management, and the ability to remove stale sessions stored in the repository database.
  • Improved stability when Repository and Source connection pools are near saturation to prevent deadlocks.
  • Cleaned up logging and enhanced it to include Thread Id, Session Identifier and Code Function to log lines.
  • Added event auditing for user role updates in the Admin console.
  • Added the ability to set a user’s regional display preferences for decimal and thousand separators based on the language configured for that user (learn more here and here).
  • Added the option to require users to update their password at regular intervals. Interval length is adjustable. LDAP users, whose passwords are managed client side, are excluded from this reminder (learn more).
  • Added logonCheck.i4 which may be called from a browser to check if there's already an active Yellowfin session. This may be used before initiating an SSO call.
  • Enabled SSO using an AJAX call to logon.i4 with a web service token, but without an "entry" page. 
  • Removed ColumnarDB as a new datasource type (existing ColumnarDBs aren’t affected).

User Interface

  • Rewired the Undo and Redo buttons to work in code mode.
  • Totals and subtotals can now be moved to any side — top, left, right or bottom — of a report table (learn more here and here).
  • Added the ability to group data on calculated fields that span multiple sub queries.
  • Enhanced calculated fields tool to include a dropdown to set the type of calculated field before validation.
  • Added an option to show or hide the minimum/maximum value in the report filter value list.
  • Added the option to hide report names in both static and canvas dashboards (learn more).
  • Improved usability and functionality of the text widget, including easier toggling to and from edit mode, keyboard shortcuts and more (learn more).
  • Added a new text widget parameter, tablevalue, which can be used to display a table cell's content within a text widget (learn more).
  • More customization options through CSS variables for prominent colours used in the application.
  • Improved the positioning of customized UI elements such as dropdowns and tooltips on fixed-width pages.
  • Category trimming is now available on bar and column charts with dimension colours.
  • Added text alignment to numeric display charts.
  • Improved rendering of Yellowfin when embedded on a page by enabling iFrame integration and full Application Integration to work together in the same session.
  • Reimplemented the slide-out Left Nav Filter Panel style, so it's now possible to use it as a slide-out or a single widget.
  • Reimplemented drill through from Report to Dashboard.
  • Reinstated the Export List option on the dashboard content pop-up menu. 
  • Hard-coded filters can now be passed through to child reports during drill through.
  • Converted report date fields from metric to dimension for the import process.
  • Updated all date pickers to follow the global 'Week Start Day' setting.
  • Updated charts dimension values so that a null value is now shown as << null >> and an empty value as << empty >>.
  • Improved the positioning of the Add button for calculated fields.
  • Enabled the use of WKT geometry fields in freehand SQL columns. Users can also disable the geometry cache and use the non-cached WKT geometry fields.




  • Resolved an issue where conditional format legends would lose all colours when exporting to PDF.
  • Resolved an issue where shrink to fit would not work on PDF export.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent moveToTab from functioning correctly in the JS API when used before a dashboard finished rendering.
  • Resolved an issue where the JS API would require embedded page content to be reloaded after successful login if MultiTab was switched on.
  • Resolved an issue which would prevent the JS API from loading a report and a dashboard at the same time.
  • Resolved an issue where resetting a filter with Entry-style checkboxes would cause a JS error.


  • Resolved an issue where some drop-down style filters would unexpectedly appear as pop-up style.
  • Resolved an issue where linking interactions would not update when series were subquery filters.
  • Resolved an issue where accessing a bookmark through a dashboard URL would prevent the bookmark from applying in list filters.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent users from adding filters to a dashboard filter list if a filter group with at least one filter was the last item in the list.
  • Fixed an issue that caused filter links on an imported dashboard to not show when editing the dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue that would sometimes prevent multiple JavaScript charts from being used on the same dashboard.
  • Resolved an issue that could lead to errors when importing a dashboard with a signal widget.
  • Resolved an issue where the Used By list of a dashboard would contain client org users after distributing within the primary org.
  • Resolved an issue where setting a dashboard's default width unit to percentage would affect the Present width.


  • Refactored report broadcasts to be more modular from the report code. Unlikely to cause any problems, but check your report broadcasts after the upgrade in case they're affected by the Java/JavaScript changes.
  • Resolved an issue where a field folder not in use could not be deleted if another customer on the same installation had a field folder with the same name and content within.
  • Resolved a security issue with the Android app failing to load stories.
  • Resolved an issue in clustered environments that would prevent some web.xml updates from being applied to secondary nodes.
  • Resolved an issue with memory settings, which would not set correctly for Windows Service on installation.
  • Resolved an issue where the 9.2.1 WSDL lacked the definitions for the administration schedule which prevented it from being consumed by most languages.
  • Resolved an issue with the UPDATEUSER Web Service API where user emails could not be updated.
  • Resolved an issue with an NPE being logged when calling dashboard entry and passing FilterID where FilterID has a dud record.
  • Resolved a WKT geometry-related issue where a LINESTRING would not be correctly converted to a geometry value.
  • Temporarily removed audit content from the installation bundle to work on a content issue. It will be bundled again after 9.3.
  • Restricted some source metadata calls to a particular catalog for certain databases.
  • Resolved an issue where GMT time, rather than the server time, was used as the start date when creating new users, which could prevent immediate access for newly-created users.


  • Resolved an issue that would prevent some filters from appearing on an imported dashboard when their report was replaced with an existing one during import.
  • Resolved an issue where categories (now known as content folders) and sub categories (now known as sub folders) were not being returned as export dependencies for a view.
  • Resolved an issue for manual and API imports of time series reports and charts that would switch time granularity and aggregation to their defaults.
  • Resolved an issue where SubQuery links could be lost during import.
  • Resolved a specific error on the view builder Prepare tab that would block XML imports.

User Interface

  • Resolved an issue that would prevent advanced broadcast from using email addresses from an edited report.
  • Resolved an issue where table conditions were being sent a null value when used in an advanced subquery child report.
  • Resolved an issue where numeric display chart formatting would be used incorrectly on a report when paging through results.
  • Resolved an issue where Approval Required reports would not appear in the active reports.
  • Resolved an issue where the column formatting option, Suppress Duplicates, would not work on column reports based on Freehand SQL queries.
  • Resolved an issue which would prevent report drill down interactions from being correctly linked to sub query filters.
  • Resolved an issue where deleting a report with restricted columns would repeatedly display a confirmation popup.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a report with a datasource offline would cause report fields to disappear
  • Resolved an issue where a configured watermark would not display on reports with a single chart.
  • Resolved an issue where the dynamic date parameter would only use DAY time measurements. 
  • Resolved an issue where a field converter could not be applied in a sub query.
  • Resolved an issue that impacted the security of views in a report sub query.
  • Resolved an issue where the folder and sub-folder for presentations and themes could not be changed in the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue where refreshing a parent org dashboard from a client org would redirect to the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue where adding a URL link to an entire text widget would not work if the entire text was selected.
  • Resolved a path traversal issue when using Save To Disk broadcasts.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the bulk deletion of draft reports from the Browse page.
  • Resolved an issue where calculated totals did not always select the correct field.
  • Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in text widgets would not work if they included forward slashes after the domain in their URLs.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a Signal from being assigned to an owner.
  • Resolved an issue with missing Signal correlations in client orgs.
  • Resolved an issue in the UI that would prevent changing a view to another data source.
  • Resolved an 'Oh no error' message that would appear when creating an ETL flow and using third-party connectors.
  • Resolved an issue where the Share Private Report role would disappear after an incremental upgrade.
  • Resolved an issue where changing between sub-tabs in edit mode would make the sub-tab navigation bar disappear.
  • Resolved an issue where auto chart maps would add unnecessary padding to a chart, obscuring the background layer.
  • Resolved an issue where the report multi-chart canvas would present issues in Internet Explorer when adding new widgets.
  • Resolved a number of compatibility issues with the latest version of Jasper Reports including the display or charts and images.


  • We addressed lots of small issues around filtering, such as previous values persisting and caching issues. In detail, we resolved issues where:
    • a timestamp or converted date filter would not work as a parent dependent filter;
    • adding a new field to a view level filter group that had existing reports would corrupt the reports;
    • the Initial State Open/Closed preference for filter groups would not update;
    • filter breadcrumbs would not always contain a scrollbar;
    • creating a calculated filter would filter out calculated fields;
    • converting predefined dates of parameter filters would throw exceptions;
    • the value of dependent filters would update incorrectly;
    • in filter lists, if no new filter changes were made, the “Apply” button would not refresh reports; and
    • following an upgrade, filters would disappear from filter groups.

Must-read documentation

The following documents highlight the new features in the latest versions of Yellowfin.

Change Management guideLearn about the new changes and how they impact users upgrading to the latest version.
Yellowfin 9.2 Release NotesAll the major enhancements in Yellowfin 9.2.
Yellowfin 9.1 Release NotesAll the latest features introduced in Yellowfin 9.1.

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Yellowfin 9.2

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Yellowfin Dashboards

Introducing the new, revamped Yellowfin Dashboard. The new version allows users to assemble creative, on brand infographic and actionable dashboards on a flexible, free-form canvas. Developer centric functionalities have been introduced to edit dashboard code and create integrated workflows. Functionality to create charts directly on the dashboard has also been added. New content objects have also been added, such as Filter Widgets, Code Widgets, Blueprint.

Learn all about Yellowfin Dashboards.

Yellowfin Present

The Storyboard has been replaced with Yellowfin Present as the presentation module. This module further enhances Yellowfin’s data storytelling capabilities. Yellowfin Present is a fully integrated presentation module designed for data led communications. This module contains functionality similar to that of the dashboard canvas. A presentation slide supports the use of multiple types of content, including live reports, text, images, shapes and icons, action buttons, filters, and even code widgets.

Learn all about Yellowfin Present.

Other main enhancements

  • JavaScript API v3: Introduced in Yellowfin 9 as beta, the new JavaScript API is now fully supported in 9.2. Rich in features, the API contains an updated UI, and a richer set of functions and events. The new API can be used when embedding Yellowfin, or used within Yellowfin in Dashboard Code Mode. See full documentation here.
  • Rest API:  The new REST API makes its debut in 9.2, providing support for administrators that want to automate back-end processes, perform administrative tasks and manage content programmatically. Importantly, the REST API also provides access to Yellowfin content for developers, enabling them to build custom experiences incorporating Yellowfin Signals, Stories, Notifications and more. Learn more.
  • Multiple tab usage: Functionality to allow Yellowfin to be safely used across multiple tabs or windows of the same browser has been added. This includes safety checks to protect against data corruption. This prevents the same content from being edited in multiple tabs concurrently. Learn more.

Dashboard & Present

  • Full screen mode: Open a dashboard or presentation in full screen with a new button. Learn more.
  • Associated reports: Associated Reports can now be created in the new Dashboards and Present. This allows users to add reports as links to their dashboards and presentations, rather than displaying full reports. Learn more.
  • Show report menu: New settings have been added to control the visibility of menus that pop up on report objects. These settings can be set to always show report menus, never show them, or only show them when a user hovers on them. Learn more.
  • Report column sorting: Report columns can now be sorted in ascending or descending order in dashboard report tables. Learn more.
  • Retain filter when jumping to report: Functionality that allows filter values applied in a dashboard to be retained when opening a report page has been reintroduced. Furthermore, we have added navigational buttons to return to the dashboard. Learn more.
  • Trigger events with dashboard widgets: We’ve expanded the Action Buttons functionality to all other dashboard canvas widgets/ objects. This means that an event can be triggered when any dashboard object is clicked. The types of events include: navigating to specific sub tabs, resetting dashboards or filters, jumping to a report or even an external link. To learn more, refer to guides on any dashboard object, such as Text, Graphics, Images, etc.
  • New action events: New events have been introduced for action buttons and all other widgets. These include: ‘Go to URL’ that navigates to an external page, and ‘Go to Sub Tab’ that navigates to any sub tab within the dashboard. Learn more.
  • Text URLs: Users can link Text widgets to external or internal URLs in the revamped dashboard builder. Learn more.
  • Default filter bookmarks: Users can now save personalized default filter bookmarks that will automatically be applied to the dashboard when first loaded, or if the filters are reset. Learn more.
  • Filter entry style change: You can change the display style of report filter entries or values within a dashboard without first changing it in the report. This allows the entry style to be changed to checkboxes, lists, pop-ups, dropdowns or radio buttons. Learn more.
  • Filter reset control: A new dashboard property toggle that changes the control of the Filter Widget’s Reset button to reset the entire dashboard. Learn more.
  • Filter button location : The setting to choose the location of the ‘Apply’ button in a filter panel has been reintroduced. Users can choose to keep the button, and other filter control options, at the top or bottom of the panel, or in both locations. Learn more.
  • Present toolbar: A new Present toolbar has been added to published presentations, with options that show users who have favorited the Presentation, as well as options to  configure user access and share the presentation with others. Learn more.


  • Step Changes Signal: The new Step Changes Signal is now generally available. Part of the Outliers detection group, a Step Change occurs when a time series moves from one 'stable' state to another. These states can be higher (called Step Up) or lower (Step Down).
    Advanced parameters related to this Signal are also introduced to configure the algorithm to the users’ needs. Learn more.
  • Renamed Signal parameter: The ‘Old Signal Notifications’ parameter used for configuring Outlier algorithms has been renamed to ‘Prevent Notifications of Older Signals’.

Reports & Charts 

  • Save to Disk Broadcast: A new broadcast type, ‘Save to Disk Schedule’ broadcast allows users to schedule reports to be saved on the local server path. Learn more.
  • Scheduled historic runs: Functionality has been added to display multiple previous executions of scheduled tasks, including broadcast reports. These historic executions also maintain a list of recipients, along with their delivery status. Learn more.
  • Sharing private reports: A new user role function, Share Private Content can be disabled to restrict report authors from sharing private reports with other users. Learn more.
  • Calculated field result type: You can define the datatype of a calculated field’s resulting column, such as Numeric, Boolean, Text or Date. In this case, the system will not perform a validation test. The option to allow the system to determine the data type is also still possible by choosing the Auto Detect option. Learn more.
  • Calculated field descriptions: A new column formatting setting has been provided for calculated fields that allows users to clearly describe the field’s purpose and content to aid report writers. Learn more (under Display).
  • Dynamic filter values: A Dynamic Filter Value configuration is now possible for dimension filters. This automatically selects the first filter value, when the default value is not available to the user, for example in case of access filter restrictions. Learn more (under Entry Style).
  • Edit charts from report canvas: Functionality to edit a specific chart from the Report’s design canvas has been re-introduced. Now you can use the Edit Chart option from the canvas widget menu. Learn more.
  • Report preview and active row default limits: It is now possible to define default limits on Report preview and active row limits through administration configurations. These settings allow default limitations to be applied to all reports, which can be changed at the report level. Learn more (under Report Settings > Builder Settings).
  • Global configurations for Axis Formatting: The Axis Formatting column setting for charts, can now be specified at the admin configuration level. Administrators can now specify default axis settings for all charts, however they can be changed at the chart level. Learn more (under Chart Settings > Axis & Plot Defaults).
  • Importing charts: In Yellowfin 9, we introduced a revamped look and feel for charts and reports with new formatting applied by default. Now, functionality has been added to ensure imported charts retain the default formatting of the version the report was exported from. Learn more.
  • View SQL: The SQL generation functionality in the Report builder has been enhanced to display SQL statements even if the report has generated an error. Learn more.
  • Version history in content folders: Version History for all new content folders will now default to ‘Current Version Only’, where no historical records are kept, to avoid large amounts of data from building up. Learn more.

SOAP Web services

  • GETUSERGROUPS web service: A new web service, GETUSERGROUPS is used to retrieve information on groups a user belongs to. Learn more.
  • Signal Session Options: Session Option parameters have been added to make a Signal page the entry point after an SSO login (see ‘Entry’ parameter), or the content page to redirect to (see ContenUUID parameter). Learn more.
  • GETCONTENT web service: Changes have been made to the GETCONTENT web service. It now also retrieves the Content’s ID. Learn more.
  • Change access level to content folders: Two content managing web services, ADDTOACL and DELETEFROMACL have been enhanced to support access levels. This means that users will be able to specify the exact access level they wish to add or remove from content folders. (Documentation coming soon.)


  • Column restrictions in views: A new Access Level option called ‘Read Restricted’, has been added that provides further restrictions to access View columns. This allows only those nominated permission to write reports with restricted columns and view these columns in reports. No other users will ever be able to see these columns. Learn more.
  • Timeline notification menu: Timeline cards that mention Yellowfin content or contain links, now have a menu icon. This menu offers options to open the content in the same or separate tabs. Learn more.
  • Open content in new tab from Browse page: New options in the Browse page content menu allow you to open or edit a content in a new tab. Learn more.
  • InterSystems IRIS data connection: Yellowfin now provides support for the InterSystems IRIS database. Learn more.

Yellowfin 9.1

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  • New Blueprint widgets: Introducing new Blueprint widgets for Map, Overlay, Heatgrid, and Scatter charts. Learn more.
  • From Quick Charts to advanced reports: We’ve improved the Quick Chart creation procedure, by adding a button to access the advanced report builder. Learn more.
  • Quick Chart configurations: A number of chart specific configurations have been added to further configure Quick Charts. Learn more.
  • Quick Chart imports: Dashboards imported with Quick Charts will have those charts available as regular reports, available via the Report Widget panel. Learn more.
  • Quick Chart filters: It’s now possible to create filters in Quick Charts through its properties panel. Learn more.
  • Simplified dashboard sharing: Dashboards sharing has been simplified to enable users to set share recipients without editing the dashboard. Learn more.
  • Dashboard access: User permission level on dashboards can now be changed directly on a published dashboard without going into edit mode. Learn more.
  • Dashboard subscribers: All users who have marked a dashboard as favorite will appear on top of the dashboard. Learn more.
  • Undo or redo dashboard actions: The dashboard builder now supports undo and redo for multiple changes on the canvas. Refer to this page on all buttons and features in the new dashboard builder. Learn more.
  • Object menu: A dashboard widget or object menu have been added to allow further actions to be performed on them. Learn more.
  • Report branching: We’ve added options to branch reports and edit reports in the right-click widget menu on the dashboard canvas. Report branching allows multiple charts from the same report to be added to the dashboard without running the SQL multiple times. Learn more.
  • Code Mode security: New configurations and role functions have been added to ensure that dashboard and presentation code is only edited and customized by trusted developers. Learn more. 
  • Signals List Code Widget: We’ve updated the Signals Widget by improving functionality and adding a new filter for Analysis jobs. This allows Signals to be showcased on dashboards using filters to show relevant signal data. Learn more.
  • Filter auto run & auto height: New filter properties have been added to the Dashboard. Auto Run Filters ensures filters are run when their values are changed, without using the Apply button. And Auto Height automatically adjusts the height of a filter widget to best fit all its items. Learn more.
  • Default filter values: Allows you to set default values for your dashboard filters. Learn more.


  • Present Themes: Present slides can now be designed and saved as themes to be reused for other presentations or individual slides. Learn more.

Charts & Reports

  • Sparkline Advanced Function: A new Advanced Function has been added that's part of the process of creating Sparklines in report tables. Learn more.
  • Sparkline formatter: This new type of report column formatter allows arrays data to be converted into Sparklines. Learn more.
  • Action Button formatter: An Action button formatter has also been added to create buttons in report table columns. Learn more.
  • Chart Formatting: A range of new Chart Formatting settings and options have been introduced. These include:
  • Auto options: For a lot of chart settings, a new Auto option has been added. This works differently for each setting, but in most cases allows the system to choose the best configuration for the chart setting to make the chart as readable as possible. Eg: Auto in labels will hide the labels on a pie chart if it's resized to a smaller size.
  • Chart gridlines: New options to customize chart gridlines have been added. The Show Gridline setting can now be set to a new Numeric Axes option. Learn more.
  • New Accumulation function: A new function type for the Accumulation Chart Function has been added, called Running Total, that shows the total value of the chart line. Learn More.


  • Passing Filter UUIDS in SSO: It’s now possible to pass Filter UUIDs when redirecting to a dashboard via the SSO login process. Learn more.
  • Chart & Configuration defaults in Yellowfin updater: We’ve made changes to our upgrade process. When migrating to version 9, users will have the option of applying Charts and Configuration level formatting defaults. This is possible in the standard GUI patch installer (learn more) and other installers such as the Silent or command line installers (learn more).

Yellowfin 9.0

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  • The workflow to initiate a Signal analysis configuration has changed. Users are no longer required to edit or clone a View; a new ‘Create New Analysis’ button has been added to the main Signals List page. View the process here.
  • The New Lost Attribute Signal has been changed. A new ‘Maximum Insignificance’ parameter is added to further configure this Signal’s algorithm.
  • Manage Signal analyses through the new Manage Signals tab on the main page. Learn more.  
  • A new Monitor Signals tab allows authorized users to view and manage each analysis run. Learn more. 
  • You can export entire lists of Signals into a CSV file. Learn more.
  • A correlation factor is introduced in correlation analysis that determines the strength of the correlation.  Learn more.
  • Correlation analysis can now also be disabled by admins in order to speed up Signal analyses that do not require analyzing correlations. This new setting has been introduced in the Algorithm Parameters step of Signal analysis configuration.
  • You no longer have to limit a Signal to a single Story. You can now add a signal chart to multiple stories, and manage them all through the Signals page. This also means that you don’t need to request for a Signal story to be written. Learn more. 
  • It’s now easier to explore a linked Signal directly from a Story. Learn more.
  • A new admin configuration for Signals to suppress access filters from narratives has been added. Learn more.


  • Yellowfin’s content font capabilities have been upgraded. Now a range of popular fonts can be used out-of-the-box. Custom font files can also be easily imported into the system. Administrators can specify default content fonts for consistency. Learn more.

Deprecated features


The following modules and features have been deprecated in this version.

  • Storyboards
  • KPI Reports and dashboards
  • Report Summary
  • Dashboard help messages

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