You can perform different tasks when redirecting a user to Yellowfin, such as suppressing the header, navigating to a particular report, displaying a particular dashboard, etc. This is done by defining user session options in the login token.
Session options can be passed in two ways:
- As part of a URL
- As part of a SSO call
Passing Session Options via URL
Pass session options through a URL. For example:
By including entry=TIMELINE and the disableheader session options in the above URL, the user will be taken to their Timeline page with the Yellowfin header disabled when they log in.
Passing Session Options as Part of a SSO Call
A Single Sign-On, or SSO, call (which includes LOGINUSER and LOGINUSERNOPASSWORD) can be used to pass sessions, by applying the setParameters() method.
For example:
String[] parameters = new String[] {"ENTRY=TIMELINE","DISABLEHEADER=TRUE"}; rsr.setParameters(parameters);
Similarly, this example will disable the Yellowfin header, and redirect the user to their Timeline page.
Available Session Options
Below is a list of key session options and their descriptions that you can use to pass through URLs or the Parameters method:
Parameter Key | URL Key | Passed via | Description |
YFTOOLBAR | yftoolbar | URL, SSO | TRUE/FALSE. To hide the Yellowfin toolbar for this session. |
ENTRY | entry | URL, SSO | Determine the user's only entry point on completion of the login process. This is used in conjunction with other parameters to determine the content the user is shown. Possible values include:
REPORTID | reportid | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = EDITREPORT or VIEWREPORT. This is the internal ID of the report to redirect to. |
REPORTUUID | reportuuid | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = EDITREPORT or VIEWREPORT. This is the UUID of the report to redirect to. |
STORYBOARDUUID | storyboarduuid | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = VIEWSTORYBOARD. This is the UUID of the storyboard to redirect to. |
CONTENTUUID | contentuuid | URL, SSO | This is the internal UUID of the Yellowfin content that you wish to be redirect to. If used with ENTRY = VIEWSTORY, it serves as the internal Story UUID. |
MOBILEDEVICE | mobiledevice | URL, SSO | TRUE/FALSE. Takes the user to a mobile version of the Yellowfin interface. |
REPORTNAME | reportname | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = EDITREPORT or VIEWREPORT. This is the name of the report to redirect to. |
DISABLESOURCEFILTERS | – | SSO | TRUE/FALSE. Disables Source Filter or Client Reference Filters for this user, for this session. This allows the user to see all the data. This doesn't work for content based on Client Source Substitution. |
DISABLEHEADER | disableheader | URL, SSO | TRUE/FALSE. Hides the Yellowfin header for this session. |
HIDEHEADER | hideheader | URL, SSO | Same as DISABLEHEADER. |
DISABLEFOOTER | disablefooter | URL, SSO | TRUE/FALSE. Hides the Yellowfin footer for this session. |
HIDEFOOTER | hidefooter | URL, SSO | Same as DISABLEFOOTER. |
DISABLESIDENAV | disablesidenav | URL, SSO | TRUE/FALSE. Hides the Yellowfin side navigation for this session. |
HIDESIDENAV | hidesidenav | URL, SSO | Same as DISABLESIDENAV. |
DISABLELOGOFF | disablelogoff | URL, SSO | TRUE/FALSE. Hides the Yellowfin logoff link for this session. |
HIDELOGOFF | hidelogoff | URL, SSO | Same as DISABLELOGOFF. |
REASONCODE | reasoncode | URL, SSO | Custom string (80 ASCII characters) that will be dropped in all events generated by this session. Events are dropped in the Event table in the Yellowfin database. |
REASONDESCRIPTION | reasondescription | URL, SSO | Custom string (2048 ASCII characters) that will be dropped in all events generated by this session. Events are dropped in the Event table in the Yellowfin database. |
DASHBOARDID | dashboardid | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = EDITDASHBOARD or VIEWDASHBOARD. This is the internal ID of the dashboard tab to redirect to. |
DASHBOARDUUID | dashboarduuid | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = EDITDASHBOARD or VIEWDASHBOARD. This is the UUID of the dashboard tab to redirect to. |
FILTER<ID> | filter<ID> | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = VIEWREPORT. Overrides filter values for the given report. FILTER is appended to the internal ID of the filter, plus the string representation of the filter value. For example: FILTER2134=MALE You can pass multiple filters for a single report. |
FILTERUUID<UUID> | filteruuid<UUID> | URL, SSO | Used with ENTRY = VIEWDASHBOARD. Overrides filter values for the given dashboard. FILTERUUID653d1be5-9bfd-473c-b1a8-9924b6c8be08=Female You can pass multiple filters to a single dashboard. |
SOURCEFILTER_<FILTERCODE> | – | SSO | Overrides the source filter values for this user, for this session. |
CONTENT_<INCLUDE/EXCLUDE> | – | SSO | Overrides the content access that a user has for this session. CONTENT_ is appended with either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE. The value for this key is either the Content Category Code, or the Content Category UUID.
Content Inclusion and Exclusion is based on the Category level. All sub categories with the specified category are included or excluded. |
LANGUAGE=<LANGUAGE_CODE> | – | SSO | Overrides the language of the user's session with the one specified in this parameter. Note that doing so will invalidate the default language or any translation settings configured in the browser. For example, passing LANGUAGE=JA will force the session's language to be Japanese. |
USERNAME | – | SSO | Overrides the Username field of a user for this particular session (used for Pass-through Authentication). |
PASSWORD | – | SSO | Overrides the password field of a user for this particular session (used for Pass-through Authentication). |
FIRSTNAME | – | SSO | Overrides the First name field of the user displayed in the UI (used when using a shared login to customize information on the header). |
LASTNAME | – | SSO | Overrides the Surname field of the user displayed in the UI (used when using a shared login to customize information on the header). |
– | SSO | Overrides the Email field of the user for this session (used when using a shared login). | |
TIMEZONE | – | SSO | Override the Timezone field of the user for this session. |