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Abstract class for Administration Service representation of a YF scheduled task. This class provides common functionality/data for all task schedules. Subclasses add more info for subclass-specific data such as broadcast info, etc

ParameterData TypeDescription


ScheduleFrequency[]An array object containing details of the schedule frequency type fields.NextRunDateTimeGMTString
ScheduleUUIDStringThe unique universal identifier of the schedule.


Returns whether or not the schedule is active. This does not indicate whether or not the schedule is currently running, but whether or not the schedule will be run when its next schedule time occurs
ScheduleDescriptionStringShort description of the schedule’s purpose. This will usually contain the name of the item that the schedule is for, such as report name, filter name, etc.
ScheduleUUIDStringThe unique universal identifier of the schedule generated by the system.
ScheduleTypeCodeStringThe schedule type of this record. ie. REPORTBROADCAST, SOURCEFILTERREFRESH, etc.
LastRunStatusStringThe status code of the last run of the schedule. This value is only updated after a schedule has completed, so it will contain the previous value if the schedule is currently running
LastRunErrorStringIf the last run ended in failure, then this field may contain an error which describes what happened
LastRunDateTimeGMTStringThe GMT DateTime of the last run of the schedule. Note that this is the time that the schedule was initiated.
NextRunDateTimeGMTStringBased on the current schedule settings, this returns the next time that this schedule will run, in GMT. Note that this value is not ‘live’, meaning it will not update until the server has received and validated the changes and returned a new schedule object.



Base class for all frequency types. This class holds the database attributes for a frequency schedule. It is the responsibility of each subclass to provide user-friendly methods to set and get useful data based on the database value of each field.

E.g. Day of month is sometimes stored in frequency unit, and sometimes not, if the schedule type has day of month at all. The subclass will also enforce validation.




ParameterData TypeDescription


StringDescribes how to interpret the frequency informationThe frequency type of this object. Used to determine the object type.
FrequencyCodeStringHas different meanings depending on the frequency type code.
FrequencyUnitIntegerHas different meanings depending on the frequency type code.
FrequencyUnitIntegerHas different meanings depending on the frequency type code
LocalRunTimeIntegerSeconds from midnight that this schedule will run on the given scheduled day.
the frequency type code
LocalRunTimeIntegerReturns the seconds from midnight that this schedule will run (relative to this schedule's timezone). Note: Some schedule types do not use this property, notably MinutesFrequency.
LocalTimezoneCodeStringThe full time zone code (ie. AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY, etc.) that will be used to translate the specified local run time into the Yellowfin server's time.
DayOrdinalsStringOrdered list of day names which correspond to their ordinal valuesLocalTimezoneCodeStringJava timezone offset code for the schedule to run.