The data structures of Yellowfin's schedule management web services consist of two main objects (which are abstract types): AdministrationSchedule and ScheduleFrequency. AdministrationSchedule describes common properties of all schedules, including a code for determining the object subtype and most importantly containing a ScheduleFrequency object. This ScheduleFrequency object holds common data for all frequency types and is the primary way of editing schedules. Both AdministrationSchedule and ScheduleFrequency have several concrete classes representing each type of schedule and frequency available in Yellowfin. These concrete classes contain user-friendly methods to access and manipulate type-specific schedule and frequency data with client-side validation, but this is only the case when using the Java bindings.
Most attributes of an AdministrationSchedule are not editable, except for the isActive attribute. Note that this only means that the attributes are ignored by the service backend, the beans themselves are still able to be edited.
This web service loads all available schedules in the current organization that is specified with the OrgId parameter.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "LISTSCHEDULES". |
Request Example
Below is a SOAP XML example for this request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <web:remoteAdministrationCall> <arg0> <loginId></loginId> <password>test</password> <orgId>1</orgId> <function>LISTSCHEDULES</function> </arg0> </web:remoteAdministrationCall> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule[] | This will contain an array of AdministrationSchedule objects describing all the available schedules. |
Response Example
The service will return the below response, according to our SOAP example:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S=""> <S:Body> <ns2:remoteAdministrationCallResponse xmlns:ns2=""> <return> <errorCode>0</errorCode> <messages>Successfully Authenticated User:</messages> <messages>Web Service Request Complete</messages> <schedules xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> <schedules> <frequency> <frequencyCode>MONDAY</frequencyCode> <frequencyUnit>1</frequencyUnit> <localRunTime>0</localRunTime> <localTimezoneCode>AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY</localTimezoneCode> </frequency> <lastRunDateTimeGMT>2018-02-25T00:00:00+11:00</lastRunDateTimeGMT> <lastRunStatus>SUCCESS</lastRunStatus> <nextRunDateTimeGMT>2018-03-12T00:00:00+11:00</nextRunDateTimeGMT> <scheduleActive>true</scheduleActive> <scheduleDescription>Athlete</scheduleDescription> <scheduleUUID>75a2f5b5-162b-49b5-b197-53643f7dc0de</scheduleUUID> </schedules> <schedules xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> <schedules> <frequency> <frequencyCode>SATURDAY</frequencyCode> <frequencyUnit>6</frequencyUnit> <localRunTime>0</localRunTime> <localTimezoneCode>AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY</localTimezoneCode> </frequency> <nextRunDateTimeGMT>2018-03-10T00:00:00+11:00</nextRunDateTimeGMT> <scheduleActive>false</scheduleActive> <scheduleDescription>Common Filters</scheduleDescription> <scheduleUUID>fa757330-b4a8-4047-9b96-745a48b1d1b7</scheduleUUID> </schedules> <schedules xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> <schedules> <frequency> <frequencyCode>SATURDAY</frequencyCode> <frequencyUnit>6</frequencyUnit> <localRunTime>0</localRunTime> <localTimezoneCode>AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY</localTimezoneCode> </frequency> <lastRunDateTimeGMT>2018-02-19T00:00:00+11:00</lastRunDateTimeGMT> <lastRunError>com.hof.util.ActionErrorsException: java.lang.NullPointerException</lastRunError> <lastRunStatus>FAILURE</lastRunStatus> <nextRunDateTimeGMT>2018-03-10T00:00:00+11:00</nextRunDateTimeGMT> <scheduleActive>false</scheduleActive> <scheduleDescription>Common Filters</scheduleDescription> <scheduleUUID>f732c7a4-b81a-4788-8038-6771229596c1</scheduleUUID> </schedules> <sessionId>ba906c4149a72b2f3c750467a31adf72</sessionId> <statusCode>SUCCESS</statusCode> </return> </ns2:remoteAdministrationCallResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("LISTSCHEDULES");
You may even identify a specific client organization:
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the following parameters: StatusCode and Schedules. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_ listschedules.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, and admin user according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_ listschedules.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * LISTSCHEDULES Example. ws_listschedules.jsp * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> <%@ page import="java.text.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" %> <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" %> <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" %> AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("LISTSCHEDULES"); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { AdministrationSchedule[] schedules = rs.getSchedules(); out.write("Loaded " + schedules.length + " schedules: <br>"); for (AdministrationSchedule as: schedules) { out.write("Schedule " + as.getScheduleUUID() + "<br>"); } } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }
This web service is used to load a specified schedule.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "LOADSCHEDULE". |
Parameters | String[] | The UUID of the schedule to be loaded. This should be set as the first element in the passed parameters array. This must be an existing UUID. |
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule[] | This will contain an array of AdministrationSchedule objects describing the specified schedule. |
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organisation rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("LOADSCHEDULE");
Use the parameters property to pass the schedule UUID:
// This is the Yellowfin Schedule UUID. Adjust this value String[] parameters ={ "SOME_UUID" }; rsr.setParameters(parameters);
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the following parameters: StatusCode and Schedules. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_loadschedule.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, admin user, and schedule UUID values according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_loadschedule.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * LOADSCHEDULE Example. ws_loadschedule.jsp. * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" <%@ page import="java.text.*" <%@ page import="java.util.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("LOADSCHEDULE"); // existing Schedule UUID to load. Adjust this value String[] parameters = { "SOME_UUID" }; rsr.setParameters(parameters); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { AdministrationSchedule schedule = rs.getSchedule(); out.write("Loaded schedule: " + schedule.getScheduleUUID() + "<br>"); out.write("Schedule Type: " + schedule.getScheduleTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Description: " + schedule.getScheduleDescription() + "<br>"); out.write("Is Active: " + schedule.isScheduleActive() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Status: " + schedule.getLastRunStatus() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Error: " + schedule.getLastRunError() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Date: " + schedule.getLastRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); out.write("Next Run Date: " + schedule.getNextRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); // Some schedule types have extra information that you can access, see reference for details if (schedule instanceof ReportRefreshSchedule) { ReportRefreshSchedule rrs = (ReportRefreshSchedule)schedule; out.write("Report To Refresh: " + rrs.getReportId() + "<br>"); } // these values all have different meanings depending on FrequencyType, see reference for details out.write("Frequency Type: " + sched.getFrequency().getFrequencyTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Code: " + sched.getFrequency().getFrequencyCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Unit: " + sched.getFrequency().getFrequencyUnit() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Time: " + sched.getFrequency().getLocalRunTime() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Timezone: " + sched.getFrequency().getLocalTimezoneCode() + "<br>"); } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }
This web service saves a single schedule. It uses the AdministrationSchedule object to pass the details of the schedule that need to be saved. The response will return this object with the new details. Note, that this does not create a new schedule, but updates the details of an existing one.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "SAVESCHEDULE". |
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule | Object containing details of the schedule that is to be saved. See table below. |
The following parameters must be included in the AdministrationSchedule object for this function:
AdministrationSchedule Element | Data Type | Description |
ScheduleUUID | String | UUID of the schedule to be added. |
Frequency | ScheduleFrequency | ScheduleFrequency object which defines the editable frequency options for this schedule. See table below. |
For the Frequency object, exact required values are different for each ScheduleFrequency type, but all frequency types will contain the following fields:
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
FrequencyTypeCode | String | Describes how to interpret the frequency information. |
FrequencyCode | String | Has different meanings depending on the frequency type code. |
FrequencyUnit | Integer | Has different meanings depending on the frequency type code |
LocalRunTime | Integer | Seconds from midnight that this schedule will run on the given scheduled day. |
LocalTimezoneCode | String | Java timezone offset code for the schedule to run. |
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule | This object will contain the updated details of the schedule. |
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organisation rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("SAVESCHEDULE");
When updating a schedule, usually you would first load the schedule and then update it, but the only writable items are the Frequency and isActive parameters, so loading first is not required if you already know the Schedule UUID:
// This is the AdministrationSchedule which should be saved AdministrationSchedule s = new AdministrationSchedule(); s.setScheduleUUID("SOME_KNOWN_EXISTING_UUID"); s.setActive(true); // define the frequency information ScheduleFrequency f = new MinutesFrequency(); f.setMinutes(5); s.setFrequency(f); // set the schedule in the request rsr.setSchedule(s);
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the following parameters: StatusCode and Schedules. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_ saveschedule.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, admin user values according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_ saveschedule.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * SAVESCHEDULE Example. ws_ saveschedule.jsp. * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" <%@ page import="java.text.*" <%@ page import="java.util.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("SAVESCHEDULE"); // normally you would load a schedule first and do some sort of modification AdministrationSchedule editingSchedule = new AdministrationSchedule(); editingSchedule.setScheduleUUID("SOME_UUID"); editingSchedule.setScheduleActive(true); ScheduleFrequency newFreq = new WeeklyFrequency(); newFreq.setDayOfWeek(ScheduleFrequency.MONDAY); newFreq.setLocalRunTime(3 * 60 * 60); // 9am newFreq.setLocalTimezoneCode("AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY"); editingSchedule.setFrequency(newFreq); rsr.setSchedule(editingSchedule); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { AdministrationSchedule updatedSchedule = rs.getSchedule(); out.write("Loaded schedule: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleUUID() + "<br>"); out.write("Schedule Type: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Description: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleDescription() + "<br>"); out.write("Is Active: " + updatedSchedule.isScheduleActive() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Status: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunStatus() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Error: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunError() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); out.write("Next Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getNextRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); // Some schedule types have extra information that you can access, see reference for details if (schedule instanceof ReportRefreshSchedule) { ReportRefreshSchedule rrs = (ReportRefreshSchedule)schedule; out.write("Report To Refresh: " + rrs.getReportId() + "<br>"); } // these values all have different meanings depending on FrequencyType, see reference for details out.write("Frequency Type: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Code: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Unit: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyUnit() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Time: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalRunTime() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Timezone: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalTimezoneCode() + "<br>"); } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }
This web service is used to delete a specified schedule.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "DELETESCHEDULE". |
Parameters | String[] | The UUID of the schedule to be deleted. This should be set as the first element in the passed parameters array. This must be an existing UUID. |
Request Example
Below is a SOAP XML example for this request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <web:remoteAdministrationCall> <arg0> <loginId></loginId> <password>test</password> <orgId>1</orgId> <function>DELETESCHEDULE</function> <parameters> <string>75a2f5b5-162b-49b5-b197-53643f7dc0de</string> </parameters> </arg0> </web:remoteAdministrationCall> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Response Example
The service will return the below response, according to our SOAP example:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S=""> <S:Body> <ns2:remoteAdministrationCallResponse xmlns:ns2=""> <return> <errorCode>0</errorCode> <messages>Successfully Authenticated User:</messages> <messages>Web Service Request Complete</messages> <sessionId>7b8e70f20d25079f86cf26f5712d15f9</sessionId> <statusCode>SUCCESS</statusCode> </return> </ns2:remoteAdministrationCallResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organisation rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("DELETESCHEDULE");
Specify an existing schedule to delete it:
// This is the Yellowfin Schedule UUID String[] parameters ={ "SOME_UUID" }; rsr.setParameters(parameters);
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the StatusCode parameter. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_ deleteschedule.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, admin user, and schedule UUID values according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_ deleteschedule.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * DELETESCHEDULE Example. ws_deleteschedule.jsp * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" <%@ page import="java.text.*" <%@ page import="java.util.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("DELETESCHEDULE"); String scheduleUUID = "SOME_UUID"; // existing Schedule UUID to delete String[] parameters = { scheduleUUID }; rsr.setParameters(parameters); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { out.write("Successfully deleted schedule: " + scheduleUUID); } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }
This web service submits a schedule to run it.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "RUNSCHEDULENOW". |
Parameters | String[] | The UUID of the schedule to be executed. This should be set as the first element in the passed parameters array. This must be an existing UUID. |
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule | This object will contain the details of the schedule requested to be run. |
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organisation rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("RUNSCHEDULENOW");
Specify an existing schedule to run it:
// This is the Yellowfin Schedule UUID String[] parameters ={ "SOME_UUID" }; rsr.setParameters(parameters);
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the following parameters: StatusCode and Schedules. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_runschedulenow.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, admin user, and schedule UUID values according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_runschedulenow.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * RUNSCHEDULENOW Example. ws_runschedulenow.jsp * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" <%@ page import="java.text.*" <%@ page import="java.util.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("RUNSCHEDULENOW"); // existing Schedule UUID to submit for running String scheduleUUID = "SOME_UUID"; String[] parameters = { scheduleUUID }; rsr.setParameters(parameters); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { out.write("Successfully submitted schedule " + scheduleUUID + " to be run."); // NOTE: some properties like last run status/date, etc will not yet be updated, // since this call only submits the schedule for run and does not wait until it is complete. AdministrationSchedule updatedSchedule = rs.getSchedule(); out.write("Loaded schedule: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleUUID() + "<br>"); out.write("Schedule Type: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Description: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleDescription() + "<br>"); out.write("Is Active: " + updatedSchedule.isScheduleActive() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Status: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunStatus() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Error: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunError() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); out.write("Next Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getNextRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); // Some schedule types have extra information that you can access, see reference for details if (schedule instanceof ReportRefreshSchedule) { ReportRefreshSchedule rrs = (ReportRefreshSchedule)schedule; out.write("Report To Refresh: " + rrs.getReportId() + "<br>"); } // these values all have different meanings depending on FrequencyType, see reference for details out.write("Frequency Type: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Code: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Unit: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyUnit() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Time: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalRunTime() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Timezone: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalTimezoneCode() + "<br>"); } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }
This web service pauses a schedule. Here “pausing” a schedule refers to pausing it’s frequency schedule and does not affect the schedule if it is currently running or queued for running, but will stop it from being queued in the future.
NOTE: This is a shorthand way of pausing the schedule. This can also be achieved by loading the schedule, updating it’s active state to false and then saving it.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "PAUSESCHEDULE". |
Parameters | String[] | The UUID of the schedule to be paused. This should be set as the first element in the passed parameters array. This must be an existing UUID. |
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule | This object will contain the details of the schedule requested to be paused. |
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organisation rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("PAUSESCHEDULE");
Specify an existing schedule to pause it's schedule frequency:
// This is the Yellowfin Schedule UUID String[] parameters ={ "SOME_UUID" }; rsr.setParameters(parameters);
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the following parameters: StatusCode and Schedules. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_pauseschedule.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, admin user, and schedule UUID values according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_pauseschedule.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * PAUSESCHEDULE Example. ws_pauseschedule.jsp * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" <%@ page import="java.text.*" <%@ page import="java.util.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("PAUSESCHEDULE"); // existing Schedule UUID to submit for running String scheduleUUID = "SOME_UUID"; String[] parameters = { scheduleUUID }; rsr.setParameters(parameters); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { out.write("Successfully paused schedule " + scheduleUUID); AdministrationSchedule updatedSchedule = rs.getSchedule(); out.write("Loaded schedule: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleUUID() + "<br>"); out.write("Schedule Type: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Description: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleDescription() + "<br>"); out.write("Is Active: " + updatedSchedule.isScheduleActive() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Status: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunStatus() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Error: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunError() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); out.write("Next Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getNextRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); // Some schedule types have extra information that you can access, see reference for details if (schedule instanceof ReportRefreshSchedule) { ReportRefreshSchedule rrs = (ReportRefreshSchedule)schedule; out.write("Report To Refresh: " + rrs.getReportId() + "<br>"); } // these values all have different meanings depending on FrequencyType, see reference for details out.write("Frequency Type: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Code: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Unit: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyUnit() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Time: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalRunTime() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Timezone: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalTimezoneCode() + "<br>"); } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }
This web service resumes a paused schedule. “Resuming” a schedule refers to resuming it’s frequency schedule and does not queue the item for running, but will allow it to be queued for running again upon its next scheduled date/time.
Request Parameters
The following parameters should be passed with this request:
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | An admin account to connect to Yellowfin web services. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. This account must have the “web services” role enabled, and must belong to the default (i.e. primary) org. |
Password | String | Password of the above account. |
OrgId | Integer | Default (i.e. primary) organization ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. |
Function | String | Web service function. Set this to "RESUMESCHEDULE". |
Parameters | String[] | The UUID of the schedule to be resumed. This should be set as the first element in the passed parameters array. This must be an existing UUID. |
Response Parameters
The returned response will contain these parameters:
Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include:
Schedules | AdministrationSchedule | This object will contain the details of the schedule requested to be resumed. |
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this call, using a Java example:
Start with a basic request for this function, which includes logging in as the admin user and specifying the web service call to perform:
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organisation rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setFunction("RESUMESCHEDULE");
Specify an existing schedule to resume its schedule frequency it:
// This is the Yellowfin Schedule UUID String[] parameters ={ "SOME_UUID" }; rsr.setParameters(parameters);
Once the request is configured, perform the call:
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
Initialize the Administration web service. Click here to learn how to do this.
The response will contain the following parameters: StatusCode and Schedules. (See details in the Response Parameters table above.)
Complete Example
Below is a full example of this web service call. To use it for yourself, carry out the following the steps:
- Copy the code and save it as ws_resumeschedule.jsp.
- Put the file in the root folder: Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT.
- Adjust the host, port, admin user, and schedule UUID values according to your environment.
- Run http://<host>:<port>/ws_resumeschedule.jsp from your Internet browser.
/* * RESUMESCHEDULE Example. ws_resumeschedule.jsp * A more complete example can be found in ws_admin_schedule_management.jsp */ <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" <%@ page import="java.text.*" <%@ page import="java.util.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.mi.web.service.schedule.*" <%@ page import="com.hof.web.form.*" AdministrationServiceService s_adm = new AdministrationServiceServiceLocator("localhost",8080, "/services/AdministrationService", false); // adjust host and port number AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub adminService = (AdministrationServiceSoapBindingStub) s_adm.getAdministrationService(); AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest(); rsr.setLoginId(""); // provide your Yellowfin web services admin account rsr.setPassword("test"); // change to the password of the above account rsr.setOrgId(1); rsr.setFunction("RESUMESCHEDULE"); // existing Schedule UUID to submit for running String scheduleUUID = "SOME_UUID"; String[] parameters = { scheduleUUID }; rsr.setParameters(parameters); AdministrationServiceResponse rs = adminService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) { out.write("Successfully resumed schedule " + scheduleUUID); AdministrationSchedule updatedSchedule = rs.getSchedule(); out.write("Loaded schedule: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleUUID() + "<br>"); out.write("Schedule Type: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Description: " + updatedSchedule.getScheduleDescription() + "<br>"); out.write("Is Active: " + updatedSchedule.isScheduleActive() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Status: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunStatus() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Error: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunError() + "<br>"); out.write("Last Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getLastRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); out.write("Next Run Date: " + updatedSchedule.getNextRunDateTimeGMT() + "<br>"); // Some schedule types have extra information that you can access, see reference for details if (schedule instanceof ReportRefreshSchedule) { ReportRefreshSchedule rrs = (ReportRefreshSchedule)schedule; out.write("Report To Refresh: " + rrs.getReportId() + "<br>"); } // these values all have different meanings depending on FrequencyType, see reference for details out.write("Frequency Type: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyTypeCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Code: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyCode() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Unit: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getFrequencyUnit() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Time: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalRunTime() + "<br>"); out.write("Frequency Local Timezone: " + updatedSchedule.getFrequency().getLocalTimezoneCode() + "<br>"); } else { out.write("Failure"); out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode() ); }