Create Reports

Learning Outcomes

After completing this section, you will be able to:

About Reports

Reports empower you to explore, communicate, and visualize data effectively, leading to more informed decision making. A variety of interactivity can be added to reports including filtering, unit selection, and drill downs.

The report builder uses an intuitive drag and drop interface, making it easy for you to design and build Charts and Tables.

Additional Learning: See more information on Reports.

Getting Started Invoice Summary Report

This section will guide you through creating a Report displaying “Invoiced Amount” by “Gender”, “Demographic”, and “Region”.

There are three types of table layouts available:


The most common form of Table output, all fields added are displayed as a column in the table layout, with the field name used as the column header.


A variant of the column layout, all fields added are displayed as a row in the table layout, with the field name used as the row header.

Cross Tab

A special layout that allows you to summarize data by using both Column and Row headers with Metric fields making up the body of the table. This display is sometimes referred to as a Pivot.

Create a Cross Tab Report

First, create a Cross Tab Report that shows “Invoiced Amount” by “Region” and “Month, Year”.

Create a Column Report

Now we will be building Tables with Column layouts. 

Note: For all the remaining Reports, you can drag and drop fields into either the Columns section or the canvas. The Reports won’t use the Rows section.

Add User Prompt Filters

Filters can be added to a Report to limit the data returned in the report. Filters can either be set when the report is being built, or they can be set by users when they are using the report. 

In this example, you will add User Prompt filters, which allow consumers of the Report (not just Report builders) to adjust the filters and manipulate the data displayed.

Use a Drill Down

Notice the “Region” values are hyperlinked, which indicates a Drill Down is enabled for this field. The Drill Down is composed of the Region to Country hierarchy defined in the View.

Note: If your “Region” column does not show blue text hyperlinks, make sure that under Analysis Style, “Drill Down” is selected. If it is enabled and the “Region” column still isn’t hyperlinked, check that you’ve properly configured your hierarchy in the Preparing the View section.

Create a Numeric Display Chart

Create a Ring Chart

Create a Column Chart

Next, create a column Chart showing “Invoiced Amount” by “Region”.

Create a Time Series Chart

Lastly, create a line Chart that plots “Invoiced Amount” over time.

Create a Multi-Chart Canvas

With a Multi-Chart Canvas, you can display multiple types of content together, such as Charts, text, and images. You can add Multi-Chart Canvases to Dashboards, Stories, and Presentations.

Getting Started Camp Summary Report

Next, create a Report that will help Ski Team analyze their ski camps performance across regions and demographics.

Add Defined Value Filters

The filters included in the “Getting Started Invoice Summary” Report were User Prompt, meaning all users can adjust the filters independently.

In this Report, you’ll add filters, but define them within the Report, so the Report is always restricted to the same result subset. 

Format Columns

Again, change the column name from “Sum Invoiced Amount” to “Invoiced Amount”.

Create a Basic Append Sub Query

Ski Team wants to compare the current year’s “Invoiced Amount” to that of the previous year. The Report currently has a column showing the current year’s “Invoiced Amount”. Add a Sub Query to add a column showing the previous year’s “Invoiced Amount”.

Create an Advanced Function

Advanced Functions allow you to apply statistical, analytical, or text functions to columns. Here, you’ll use the analytical “Difference Truncate” function to calculate the difference between the “Invoiced Amounts” among camps between the two years.

Apply Conditional Formatting (Cell)

Conditional Formatting helps users interpret the data presented to them. Report Writers can define rules to change the color or appearance of the data in Tables and Charts. 

Change the text color of the “Change from Previous Year” column to indicate whether the camp made more or less money than the previous year.

Create a Numeric Display Chart

Create a Numeric Display Chart showing the “Average Camp Rating”.

Create a Stacked Horizontal Bar Chart

Create a bar Chart that compares “Invoiced Amount” between “Camp Region” and “Camp Demographic”, using “Camp Region” as the Horizontal Axis, and “Camp Demographic” as the Color.

Getting Started Camp Details Report

Add Filters

Format the Columns

Remove the aggregate labels from the “Average Camp Days”, “Average Camp Rating” and “Sum Invoiced Amount” column names.

Apply Conditional Formatting (Bar)

To better visualize the “Camp Ratings”, add Conditional Formatting again, this time using a colored bar indicator.

Create a Drill Through

Return to “Getting Started Camp Summary” Report. In this section, you’ll link the “Getting Started Camp Details” Report to the “Getting Started Camp Summary” Report.

Ski Team wants to click on an “Invoiced Amount” in the “Getting Started Camp Summary” Report and get a detailed breakdown of the camps invoicing that amount. This can be achieved using a Drill Through. Drill Throughs allow you to connect two reports together and drill from one to the other.

In the next section, you will build a Dashboard using these three Reports and their Charts.
