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In our steps for setting up a cluster deployment of Yellowfin, each node of Yellowfin has 4GB of allocated RAM, with ports starting on the Docker host at 8080, then 8081, 8082 and so on, plus Traefik for the reasons outlined below. 

The Docker Swarm routing mesh only supports sticky sessions when using the Enterprise edition of Docker, and when compared with a non-Swarm equivalent deployment, all Yellowfin containers would be exposed on the same port. Therefore, we highly recommend using Traefik, to handle load balancing between Yellowfin instances and provide sticky session support via a browser cookie. 

Before deploying a Yellowfin cluster, make sure you have already created a repository database and synced it with the same version of Yellowfin that will be used in all your Yellowfin containers. To do this, download the full application installer for Yellowfin, and install it on your workstation. This will create a Yellowfin repo DB as well as an instance of Yellowfin in a folder which can be deleted after configuring the containers.   

For a list of supported database types, see the database information on Install And Deploy Yellowfin.  

In the steps below, we’ll show you how to deploy a Yellowfin cluster with three nodes. 

  1. Install the full application installer version of Yellowfin on your workstation (this is temporary to ensure the repo DB is available for the containers to use)
  2. Copy the web.xml file from this installation and save it as a backup to your preferred location (this acts as a reference for the Yellowfin credentials required to connect to your Yellowfin repo DB)
  3. Ensure Docker is running in swarm mode, with Traefik deployed 
  4. Copy the following text and paste it into your preferred text editor:

    version: '3' 
          - "8080:8080" # Maps Yellowfin running on port 8080 to Docker Swarm port 8080 
          #- "7801:7800" # Maps the Yellowfin cluster port to an external port on the host (Optional) 
       hostname: "yellowfin-node-{{.Task.Slot}}" # Optional, sets the hostname to the provided value. 
          # Required environment variables 
          - JDBC_CLASS_NAME=INSERT_DATABASE_TYPE_HERE # Database driver class name 
          - JDBC_CONN_URL=jdbc:INSERT_JDBC_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE # Database connection string 
          - JDBC_CONN_USER=INSERT_DATABASE_USER_HERE # Username to use when accessing the database 
          - JDBC_CONN_PASS=INSERT_JDBC_PASSWORD_HERE # Password for the database user 
          - JDBC_CONN_ENCRYPTED=true # Flag for indicating if the database user's password supplied is encrypted or not. 
          - APP_MEMORY=4096 # The amount of memory in megabytes to assign to the Yellowfin Application. 
          - CLUSTER_INTERFACE=match-interface:eth1 #Sets the JGroups "Bind_addr" attribute. Adjust as needed if the containers aren't communicating with each other. 
          - CLUSTER_PORT=7800 # TCP Port to use for cluster networking, used to connect between containers 
          - NODE_PARALLEL_TASKS=4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 # Comma separated list of the number of concurrent tasks for each Task Type that can be run on 
         replicas: 2 # Total number of instances to deploy - this example deploys two 
            - "traefik.enable=true" # Tell Traefik to route to these instances, works with exposedbydefault param in Traefik 
            - "" # IMPORTANT: This will allow Traefik to route to the Yellowfin instances. Format: <%NameOfSwarmStack%>_<%NameOfDockerNetwork%> 
            - "traefik.http.routers.yellowfin.rule=Host(`INSERT_DNS_HOSTNAME`)" #IMPORTANT: The URL/DNS Name that you want Traefik to use for routing to your Yellowfin instances. Eg: `` 
            - "traefik.http.routers.yellowfin.entrypoints=web" # Utilizes Traefik's web entrypoint 
            - "" # Traefik to route to the Yellowfin application port 
            - "" # Enables sticky sessions support 
           yf-cluster: # The network to add the Yellowfin instances to 
       image: "yellowfinbi/yellowfin-app-only:<RELEASE_VERSION_GOES_HERE>" # Path to the app-only image of Yellowfin  
        image: traefik # Pulls Traefik from Docker Hub 
          - "--providers.docker.endpoint=unix:///var/run/docker.sock" #Gives Traefik access to the Docker API 
          - "--providers.docker.swarmMode=true" # Tells Traefik we're using Docker Swarm 
          - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=true" # Exposed by default will auto-route to any Docker containers/services that have the right labels. 
          - "" # The network Traefik should be monitoring. Must match the one Yellowfin will be deployed in. 
          - "" # Watch for Docker Events 
          - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80" # Run Traefik on port 80 
          - "--api=true" # Enables the Traefik API  
          - 80:80 # Runs Traefik on port 80 (HTTP) 
          #- 8090:8080 # Optional - Runs Traefik on port 8090 (if wanting to use the dashboard) 
          # So that Traefik can listen to Docker events 
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro 
          - yf-cluster # The network to add Traefik to. 
              - node.role == manager # IMPORTANT, only allows Traefik to deploy to a manager node. This is recommended by Traefik. 
      yf-cluster: # Creates a network using the overlay driver 
        driver: overlay 

  5. In the config text above, locate the line of text containing  yellowfin-cluster_yf-cluster and replace our example values with your own Docker stack names for the swarm and network

  6. In the config text above, locate the line of text containing (`INSERT_DNS_HOSTNAME`) and set your own DNS name for Traefik to listen to for Yellowfin 

  7. For each container in the text abovereplace the environment variable placeholders with your own configuration details(these are located in the web.xml file of the Yellowfin installation); here’s an example to connect to a PostgreSQL instance:

        # Required environment variables
         - JDBC_CLASS_NAME=org.postgresql.Driver # Database driver class name
         - JDBC_CONN_URL=jdbc:postgresql:// # Database connection string
         - JDBC_CONN_USER=postgres # Username to use when accessing the database
         - JDBC_CONN_PASS=bXF0oj5gnB1oRB1kZq5 # Password for the database user
         - JDBC_CONN_ENCRYPTED=true # Flag for indicating if the database user's password supplied is encrypted or not.
         - APP_MEMORY=4096 # The amount of memory in megabytes to assign to the Yellowfin Application.
         - CLUSTER_INTERFACE=match-interface:eth1 #Sets the JGroups "Bind_addr" attribute. Adjust as needed if the containers aren't communicating with each other.
         - CLUSTER_PORT=7800 # TCP Port to use for cluster networking
         - NODE_PARALLEL_TASKS=4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 # Comma separated list of the number of concurrent tasks for each Task Type that can be run on
        image: "yellowfinbi/yellowfin-app-only:9.6.0" # Path to the app-only image of Yellowfin
  8. Save the text to a YAML file called yellowfin-cluster.yml 

  9. Run the following command in a terminal to deploy Yellowfin and execute it in the background:
    docker stack deploy --compose-file yellowfin-cluster.yml yellowfin-cluster

  10. Start Yellowfin by typing your host URL on port 8080 (or any other port you’ve set

  11. Ensure that Yellowfin is running from your containers and that you can login (this confirms that your login credentials are correct, so you can safely delete the workstation instance of Yellowfin)
  12. Delete the workstation instance of Yellowfin by removing the folder

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